Yaser Mansouri
Cited by
Cited by
A review of edge computing: Features and resource virtualization
Y Mansouri, MA Babar
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 150, 155-183, 2021
Data storage management in cloud environments: Taxonomy, survey, and future directions
Y Mansouri, AN Toosi, R Buyya
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 50 (6), 1-51, 2017
Cost optimization for dynamic replication and migration of data in cloud data centers
Y Mansouri, AN Toosi, R Buyya
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 7 (3), 705-718, 2017
Brokering algorithms for optimizing the availability and cost of cloud storage services
Y Mansouri, AN Toosi, R Buyya
2013 IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and …, 2013
An automated implementation of hybrid cloud for performance evaluation of distributed databases
Y Mansouri, V Prokhorenko, MA Babar
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 167, 102740, 2020
Online cost optimization algorithms for tiered cloud storage services
A Erradi, Y Mansouri
Journal of Systems and Software 160, 110457, 2020
To move or not to move: Cost optimization in a dual cloud-based storage architecture
Y Mansouri, R Buyya
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 75, 223-235, 2016
Dynamic replication and migration of data objects with hot-spot and cold-spot statuses across storage data centers
Y Mansouri, R Buyya
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 126, 121-133, 2019
Optimal placement replication on data grid environments
M Garmehi, Y Mansouri
10th International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT 2007), 190-195, 2007
Optimal number of replicas with qos assurance in data grid environment
Y Mansouri, R Monsefi
2008 Second Asia International Conference on Modelling & Simulation (AMS …, 2008
Optimal number of replicas in data grid environment
Y Mansouri, M Garmehi, M Sargolzaei, M Shadi
2008 First International Conference on Distributed Framework and …, 2008
Minimizing cost of K-replica in hierarchical data grid environment
Y Mansouri, ST Azad, A Chamkori
2014 IEEE 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking …, 2014
Resource utilization of distributed databases in edge–cloud environment
Y Mansouri, V Prokhorenko, F Ullah, MA Babar
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (11), 9423-9437, 2023
The impact of distance on performance and scalability of distributed database systems in hybrid clouds
Y Mansouri, MA Babar
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.15826, 2020
Brokering algorithms for data replication and migration across cloud-based data stores.
Y Mansouri
University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, 2017
Design and Implementation of Fragmented Clouds for Evaluation of Distributed Databases
Y Mansouri, F Ullah, S Dhingra, MA Babar
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2023
Data Access Management System in Azure Blob Storage and AWS S3 Multi-Cloud Storage Environments
Y Mansouri, R Buyya
Handbook of Research on Intrusion Detection Systems, 130-147, 2020
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Articles 1–17