Dr. Ramana Pilla, Ph.D
Dr. Ramana Pilla, Ph.D
Professor & Head, Dept. of EEE, GMRIT, Rajam, AP-532127
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Cited by
Impact of flexible AC transmission system devices on automatic generation control with a metaheuristic based fuzzy PID controller
R Pilla, AT Azar, TS Gorripotu
Energies 12 (21), 4193, 2019
Design and Analysis of BFOA optimized PID controller with derivative filter for frequency regulation in distributed generation system
P Ramana, GTC Sekhar, DV Kumar, BM Kumar
International Journal of Automation and Control 12 (2), 291-323, 2008
Fuzzy PID controller for automatic generation control of interconnected power system tuned by glow-worm swarm optimization
R Pilla, N Botcha, TS Gorripotu, AT Azar
Applications of Robotics in Industry Using Advanced Mechanisms: Proceedings …, 2020
Comparison of Various PWM Techniques for Field Oriented Control VSI Fed PMSM Drive
KAMMSK P.Ramana, B.Santhosh Kumar
IJAREEIE 2 (7), 2928-2936, 2013
Tuning of extended Kalman filter using grey wolf optimisation for speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor drive
R Pilla, TS Gorripotu, AT Azar
International Journal of Automation and Control 15 (4-5), 563-584, 2021
A review on techniques for improving power quality: research gaps and emerging trends
V Manoj, P Khampariya, R Pilla
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 11 (6), 3099-3107, 2022
Sine cosine optimization based proportional derivative-proportional integral derivative controller for frequency control of hybrid power system
TS Gorripotu, P Ramana, RK Sahu, S Panda
Computational Intelligence in Data Mining: Proceedings of the International …, 2020
Towards Efficient Energy Solutions: MCDA-Driven Selection of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems
V Manoj, R Pilla, YN Kumar, C Sinha, SV Prasad, MK Chakravarthi, ...
Int. J. Electr. Electron. Eng. Telecommun 13, 98-111, 2024
Sustainability Performance Evaluation of Solar Panels Using Multi Criteria Decision Making Techniques
V Manoj, R Pilla, VN Pudi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2570 (1), 012014, 2023
A comprehensive analysis of power converter topologies and control methods for extremely fast charging of electric vehicles
V Manoj, R Pilla, SR Sura
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2570 (1), 012017, 2023
Design and analysis of search group algorithm-based PD-PID controller plus redox flow battery for automatic generation control problem
R Pilla, TS Gorripotu, AT Azar
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 66 (1), 19-35, 2021
Tuning of extended kalman filter using self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm for sensorless permanent magnet synchronous motor drive
International Journal of Engineering 29 (11), 1565-1573, 2016
Performance Evaluation of Fuzzy One Cycle Control Based Custom Power Device for Harmonic Mitigation
V Manoj, DP Khampariya, DR Pilla
IJEER 10 (3), 765-771, 2022
Automatic generation control of multi-area multi-source deregulated power system using moth flame optimization algorithm
BVS Acharyulu, TS Gorripotu, AT Azar, B Mohanty, R Pilla, S Kumar, ...
Communication and Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of ICCIS 2020, 717-729, 2021
Modeling of CIGRE HVDC Benchmark System in MATLAB/ SIMULINK
International Journal of Education and Applied research(IJEAR) 4 (1), 112-115, 2014
Integrated multi‐input DC‐DC converter with reduced switches
M Dhananjaya, R Pilla, TS Gorripotu
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 31 (8), e12989, 2021
Improvement of fuel cell MPPT performance with a fuzzy logic controller
A Fekik, AT Azar, H Denoun, NA Kamal, NK Bahgaat, TS Gorripotu, ...
Renewable Energy Systems, 161-181, 2021
Impact of Ultra Capacitor on Automatic Load Frequency Control of Nonlinear Power System
TS Gorripotu, AT Azar, R Pilla, NA Kamal
Intelligent Computing in Control and Communication: Proceeding of the First …, 2021
Design and implementation of a nonlinear controller and observer for inverter fed permanent magnet synchronous motor drive using dSPACE DS1103 controller board
R Pilla, TS Gorripotu, AM Karlapudy
International Journal of Automation and Control 15 (1), 78-98, 2021
State Feedback Linearization of a Non-linear Permanent magnet Synchronous motor drive
P Ramana, KA Mary, MS Kalavathi
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 1 (3), 534-542, 2016
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Articles 1–20