Mariia Gavriushenko
Cited by
Cited by
Bridging human and machine learning for the needs of collective intelligence development
M Gavriushenko, O Kaikova, V Terziyan
Procedia Manufacturing 42, 302-306, 2020
Adaptive systems as enablers of feedback in English language learning game-based environments
M Gavriushenko, L Karilainen, M Kankaanranta
2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-8, 2015
Anonymization as homeomorphic data space transformation for privacy-preserving deep learning
A Girka, V Terziyan, M Gavriushenko, A Gontarenko
Procedia Computer Science 180, 867-876, 2021
Cloning and training collective intelligence with generative adversarial networks
V Terziyan, M Gavriushenko, A Girka, A Gontarenko, O Kaikova
IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing 3 (1), 64-74, 2021
Semantically enhanced decision support for learning management systems
M Gavriushenko, M Kankaanranta, P Neittaanmäki
Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Semantic …, 2015
Smart educational process based on personal learning capabilities
M Gavriushenko, RSN Lindberg, O Khriyenko
EDULEARN proceedings, 2017
An intelligent learning support system
M Gavriushenko, O Khriyenko, A Tuhkala
International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 2017
Towards evidence-based academic advising using learning analytics
M Gavriushenko, M Saarela, T Kärkkäinen
Computers Supported Education: 9th International Conference, CSEDU 2017 …, 2018
Supporting institutional awareness and academic advising using clustered study profiles
M Gavriushenko, M Saarela, T Kärkkäinen
International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 2017
On personalized adaptation of learning environments
M Gavriushenko
Jyväskylä studies in computing, 2017
Adaptive vocabulary learning environment for late talkers
M Gavriushenko, O Khriyenko, I Porokuokka
International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 2016
On developing adaptive vocabulary learning game for children with an early language delay
M Gavriushenko, I Porokuokka, O Khriyenko, T Kärkkäinen
GSTF Journal on Computing 6 (1), 2018
Deep Homeomorphic Data Encryption for Privacy Preserving Machine Learning
V Terziyan, B Bilokon, M Gavriushenko
Procedia Computer Science 232, 2201-2212, 2024
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M Gavriushenko, RSN Lindberg, O Khriyenko, M Gavriushenko, ...
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Articles 1–14