Kim Yongmin
Cited by
Cited by
Role of unsaturated soil mechanics in geotechnical engineering
H Rahardjo, Y Kim, A Satyanaga
International Journal of Geo-Engineering 10, 1-23, 2019
Analysis of rainfall-induced landslide on unsaturated soil slopes
S Jeong, K Lee, J Kim, Y Kim
Sustainability 9 (7), 1280, 2017
Rainfall-induced landslides by deficit field matric suction in unsaturated soil slopes
J Kim, Y Kim, S Jeong, M Hong
Environmental Earth Sciences 76, 1-17, 2017
The 27 July 2011 debris flows at Umyeonsan, Seoul, Korea
S Jeong, Y Kim, JK Lee, J Kim
Landslides 12, 799-813, 2015
The effect of pressure-grouted soil nails on the stability of weathered soil slopes
Y Kim, S Lee, S Jeong, J Kim
Computers and Geotechnics 49, 253-263, 2013
Effects of hysteresis on hydro-mechanical behavior of unsaturated soil
J Kim, W Hwang, Y Kim
Engineering Geology 245, 1-9, 2018
Coupled infiltration model of unsaturated porous media for steady rainfall
Y Kim, S Jeong, J Kim
Soils and Foundations 56 (6), 1071-1081, 2016
Load transfer analysis of rock-socketed drilled shafts by coupled soil resistance
H Seol, S Jeong, YongminKim
Computers and Geotechnics 36 (3), 446-453, 2009
Settlement behavior of shallow foundations in unsaturated soils under rainfall
Y Kim, H Park, S Jeong
Sustainability 9 (8), 1417, 2017
A study on the debris flow-induced impact force on check dam with- and without-entrainment
K Lee, Y Kim, J Ko, S Jeong
Computers and Geotechnics 113, 103104, 2019
Field instrumentations and monitoring of GeoBarrier System for steep slope protection
H Rahardjo, Y Kim, N Gofar, EC Leong, CL Wang, JLH Wong
Transportation Geotechnics 16, 29-42, 2018
Estimation of effective cohesion using artificial neural networks based on index soil properties: A Singapore case
Y Kim, A Satyanaga, H Rahardjo, H Park, AWL Sham
Engineering Geology 289, 106163, 2021
Assessment of critical rainfall scenarios for slope stability analyses based on historical rainfall records in Singapore
Y Kim, H Rahardjo, MM Nistor, A Satyanaga, EC Leong, AWL Sham
Environmental Earth Sciences 81 (2), 39, 2022
Evaluation of the NATM tunnel load on concrete lining using the ground lining interaction model
SS Jeong, YC Han, YM Kim, DH Kim
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 18, 672-682, 2014
Stability analysis of laterally loaded trees based on tree-root-soil interaction
Y Kim, H Rahardjo, DL Tsen-Tieng
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 49, 126639, 2020
Modeling of shallow landslides in an unsaturated soil slope using a coupled model
Y Kim, S Jeong
Geomechanics and Engineering 13 (2), 353-370, 2017
Effects of rainfall infiltration and hysteresis on the settlement of shallow foundations in unsaturated soil
S Jeong, Y Kim, H Park, J Kim
Environmental Earth Sciences 77, 1-12, 2018
Proposal of design method for landslides considering antecedent rainfall and in-situ matric suction
JH Kim, SS Jeong, YM Kim, KW Lee
Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society 29 (12), 11-24, 2013
Mechanical behavior of trees with structural defects under lateral load: A numerical modeling approach
Y Kim, H Rahardjo, DL Tsen-Tieng
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 59, 126987, 2021
Susceptibility assessment of landslides under extreme-rainfall events using hydro-geotechnical model; a case study of Umyeonsan (Mt.), Korea
SS Jeong, JH Kim, YM Kim, DH Bae
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2 (8), 5575-5601, 2014
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Articles 1–20