Sang Ho Lee
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Cited by
Predicting acute radiation induced xerostomia in head and neck Cancer using MR and CT Radiomics of parotid and submandibular glands
K Sheikh, SH Lee, Z Cheng, P Lakshminarayanan, L Peng, P Han, ...
Radiation Oncology 14 (1), 131, 2019
Multilevel analysis of spatiotemporal association features for differentiation of tumor enhancement patterns in breast DCE-MRI.
SH Lee, JH Kim, N Cho, JS Park, Z Yang, YS Jung, WK Moon
Med Phys 37 (8), 3940-3956, 2010
Multi-view radiomics and dosiomics analysis with machine learning for predicting acute-phase weight loss in lung cancer patients treated with radiotherapy
SH Lee, P Han, R Hales, KR Voong, K Noro, S Sugiyama, JW Haller, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2020
Dose/Volume histogram patterns in Salivary Gland subvolumes influence xerostomia injury and recovery
P Han, P Lakshminarayanan, W Jiang, I Shpitser, X Hui, SH Lee, Z Cheng, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 3616, 2019
Fractal analysis of CT perfusion images for evaluation of antiangiogenic treatment and survival in hepatocellular carcinoma
K Hayano, SH Lee, H Yoshida, AX Zhu, DV Sahani
Academic radiology 21 (5), 654-660, 2014
Optimal clustering of kinetic patterns on malignant breast lesions: comparison between k-means clustering and three-time-points method in dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI
SH Lee, JH Kim, KG Kim, JS Park, SJ Park, WK Moon
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2007, 2089-2093, 2007
Correlation Between Tumor Metabolism and Semiquantitative Perfusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging Metrics in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
SH Lee, A Rimner, E Gelb, JO Deasy, MA Hunt, JL Humm, N Tyagi
International Journal of Radiation Oncology• Biology• Physics, 2018
Imaging for assessment of treatment response in hepatocellular carcinoma: Current update
K Hayano, SH Lee, DV Sahani
The Indian journal of radiology & imaging 25 (2), 121, 2015
The Effective Radiation Dose to Immune Cells Predicts Lymphopenia and Inferior Cancer Control in Locally Advanced NSCLC
C Friedes, M Iocolano, SH Lee, L Duan, B Li, A Doucette, RB Cohen, ...
Radiotherapy and Oncology, 110030, 2023
Cardiac radiation dose is associated with inferior survival but not cardiac events in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer in the era of immune checkpoint …
N Yegya-Raman, SH Lee, C Friedes, X Wang, M Iocolano, TP Kegelman, ...
Radiotherapy and Oncology, 110005, 2023
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Kinetic Parameters as Prognostic Biomarkers for Prediction of Survival of Patient with Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Pilot Comparative Study
SH Lee, K Hayano, AX Zhu, DV Sahani, H Yoshida
Academic radiology 22 (11), 1344-1360, 2015
Texture analysis of lesion perfusion volumes in dynamic contrast-enhanced breast MRI
SH Lee, JH Kim, JS Park, JM Chang, SJ Park, YS Jung, S Tak, WK Moon
Conf Proc IEEE Int Symp Biomed Imaging, 1545-1548, 2008
Multi-block Discriminant Analysis of Integrative 18F-FDG-PET/CT Radiomics for Predicting Circulating Tumor Cells in Early Stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with …
SH Lee, GD Kao, SJ Feigenberg, JF Dorsey, MA Frick, S Jean-Baptiste, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics, 2021
Pneumonitis rates before and after adoption of immunotherapy consolidation in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer treated with concurrent chemoradiation
N Yegya-Raman, C Friedes, SH Lee, M Iocolano, L Duan, X Wang, B Li, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics, 2023
Water-Exchange-Modified Kinetic Parameters from Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI as Prognostic Biomarkers of Survival in Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated with …
SH Lee, K Hayano, AX Zhu, DV Sahani, H Yoshida
PloS one 10 (9), e0136725, 2015
Migration of medical image data archived using mini-PACS to full-PACS
H Jung, HJ Kim, WS Kang, SH Lee, SR Kim, CL Ji, JH Kim, SK Yoo, ...
Journal of digital imaging 17 (2), 100-108, 2004
Characterizing time-intensity curves for spectral morphometric analysis of intratumoral enhancement patterns in breast DCE-MRI
SH Lee, JH Kim, JS Park, YS Jung, WK Moon
Conf Proc IEEE Int Symp Biomed Imaging, 65-68, 2009
Computerized segmentation and classification of breast lesions using perfusion volume fractions in dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI
SH Lee, JH Kim, JS Park, JM Chang, SJ Park, YS Jung, M WK
Conf Proc IEEE Biomed Eng Informatics 2, 58-62, 2008
Interpretable Machine Learning for Predicting Pathologic Complete Response in Patients Treated with Chemoradiation Therapy for Rectal Adenocarcinoma
D Wang, SH Lee, H Geng, H Zhong, J Plastaras, A Wojcieszynski, ...
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 5, 1059033, 2022
Improving Early Identification of Significant Weight Loss Using Clinical Decision Support System in Lung Cancer Radiation Therapy
P Han, SH Lee, K Noro, JW Haller, M Nakatsugawa, S Sugiyama, ...
JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics 5, 944-952, 2021
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