Filippo Palumbo
Filippo Palumbo
Information Science and Technologies Institute ISTI - CNR
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Human activity recognition using multisensor data fusion based on reservoir computing
F Palumbo, C Gallicchio, R Pucci, A Micheli
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 8 (2), 87-107, 2016
Giraffplus: Combining social interaction and long term monitoring for promoting independent living
S Coradeschi, A Cesta, G Cortellessa, L Coraci, J Gonzalez, L Karlsson, ...
2013 6th international conference on Human System Interactions (HSI), 578-585, 2013
A stigmergic approach to indoor localization using bluetooth low energy beacons
F Palumbo, P Barsocchi, S Chessa, JC Augusto
2015 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based …, 2015
The meaning of sleep quality: a survey of available technologies
A Crivello, P Barsocchi, M Girolami, F Palumbo
IEEE access 7, 167374-167390, 2019
Sensor network infrastructure for a home care monitoring system
F Palumbo, J Ullberg, A Štimec, F Furfari, L Karlsson, S Coradeschi
Sensors 14 (3), 3833-3860, 2014
GiraffPlus: a system for monitoring activities and physiological parameters and promoting social interaction for elderly
S Coradeschi, A Cesta, G Cortellessa, L Coraci, C Galindo, J Gonzalez, ...
Human-Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 3, 261-271, 2014
Taking Arduino to the Internet of Things: The ASIP programming model
G Barbon, M Margolis, F Palumbo, F Raimondi, N Weldin
Computer Communications 89, 128-140, 2016
A multisource and multivariate dataset for indoor localization methods based on WLAN and geo-magnetic field fingerprinting
P Barsocchi, A Crivello, D La Rosa, F Palumbo
2016 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation …, 2016
Monitoring elderly behavior via indoor position-based stigmergy
P Barsocchi, MGCA Cimino, E Ferro, A Lazzeri, F Palumbo, G Vaglini
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 23, 26-42, 2015
Indoor bluetooth low energy dataset for localization, tracking, occupancy, and social interaction
P Baronti, P Barsocchi, S Chessa, F Mavilia, F Palumbo
Sensors 18 (12), 4462, 2018
Off-line evaluation of indoor positioning systems in different scenarios: The experiences from IPIN 2020 competition
F Potortě, J Torres-Sospedra, D Quezada-Gaibor, AR Jiménez, F Seco, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 22 (6), 5011-5054, 2021
Evaluating the impact of smart technologies on harbor’s logistics via BPMN modeling and simulation
MGCA Cimino, F Palumbo, G Vaglini, E Ferro, N Celandroni, D La Rosa
Information Technology and Management, 1-17, 2016
Sleep behavior assessment via smartwatch and stigmergic receptive fields
AL Alfeo, P Barsocchi, MGCA Cimino, D La Rosa, F Palumbo, G Vaglini
Personal and ubiquitous computing 22, 227-243, 2018
The IPIN 2019 indoor localisation competition—Description and results
F Potorti, S Park, A Crivello, F Palumbo, M Girolami, P Barsocchi, S Lee, ...
IEEE access 8, 206674-206718, 2020
Evaluation of indoor localisation systems: Comments on the ISO/IEC 18305 standard
F Potortě, A Crivello, P Barsocchi, F Palumbo
2018 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation …, 2018
Multisensor data fusion for activity recognition based on reservoir computing
F Palumbo, P Barsocchi, C Gallicchio, S Chessa, A Micheli
Evaluating AAL Systems Through Competitive Benchmarking: International …, 2013
Occupancy detection by multi-power bluetooth low energy beaconing
P Barsocchi, A Crivello, M Girolami, F Mavilia, F Palumbo
2017 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation …, 2017
A learning system for automatic Berg Balance Scale score estimation
D Bacciu, S Chessa, C Gallicchio, A Micheli, L Pedrelli, E Ferro, ...
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 66, 60-74, 2017
An unobtrusive sleep monitoring system for the human sleep behaviour understanding
P Barsocchi, M Bianchini, A Crivello, D La Rosa, F Palumbo, F Scarselli
2016 7th IEEE international conference on cognitive infocommunications …, 2016
Discovering location based services: A unified approach for heterogeneous indoor localization systems
F Furfari, A Crivello, P Baronti, P Barsocchi, M Girolami, F Palumbo, ...
Internet of Things 13, 100334, 2021
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Articles 1–20