The performance implications of power–trust relationship: The moderating role of commitment in the supplier–retailer relationship M Jain, S Khalil, WJ Johnston, JMS Cheng Industrial Marketing Management 43 (2), 312-321, 2014 | 181 | 2014 |
Understanding green purchase behavior through death anxiety and individual social responsibility: Mastery as a moderator A Rahimah, S Khalil, JMS Cheng, MD Tran, V Panwar Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2018 | 114 | 2018 |
Determinants of joint action in international channels of distribution: The moderating role of psychic distance WJ Johnston, S Khalil, M Jain, JMS Cheng Journal of International Marketing 20 (3), 34-49, 2012 | 113 | 2012 |
Behavioral implications of international social media advertising: an investigation of intervening and contingency factors WJ Johnston, S Khalil, A Nhat Hanh Le, JMS Cheng Journal of International Marketing 26 (2), 43-61, 2018 | 108 | 2018 |
Social media usage and work values: The example of Facebook in Taiwan JYC Lin, ANH Le, S Khalil, JMS Cheng Social Behavior and Personality 40 (2), 195-200, 2012 | 42 | 2012 |
The terror of death and consumers’ sustainability attitudes A Rahimah, S Khalil, HP Dang, JMS Cheng Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 57, 102196, 2020 | 39 | 2020 |
The glocalisation of channels of distribution: a case study M Jain, S Khalil, ANH Le, JMS Cheng Management Decision 50 (3), 9-9, 2012 | 28 | 2012 |
The Influence of the Provision of Online Channel Functions on Exporting Channel Performance: The Moderating Effect of International Experience MCH Wang, S Khalil, C Blankson, JMS Cheng Journal of Global Marketing 24 (2), 125-135, 2011 | 14 | 2011 |
Red matte and glossy blue: how color and reflectance drive consumer indulgence S Khalil, P Chatterjee, JMS Cheng European Journal of Marketing 57 (2), 426-452, 2023 | 11 | 2023 |
The performance implications of collaborative activities in international buyer–seller exchanges: a contingency approach S Khalil Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2019 | 11 | 2019 |
The Effect of Non-Dichotomized GM Food Labeling on Consumer Purchase Intention: An Assessment of Mediation and Contingency Effects P Chatterjee, DY Ji, S Khalil, DG Bast, JMS Cheng, DPY Liu 中原企管評論 20 (1), 97-117, 2022 | | 2022 |
GMO Food Labeling and Purchase Intention: An Assessment of Serial Mediation P Chatterjee, S Khalil THE 3RD ACBES ASIA CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC STUDIES, 2021 | | 2021 |
E-Wom Reliability on Social Media and its Effect on Consumer Behavior: A Study of Boundary Conditions S Khalil International Conference in Management Sci. and Decision Making, 2021 | | 2021 |
The Effect of Non-Dichotomized GM Food Labeling on Consumer Purchase Intention: An Assessment of Mediation and Contingency Effects JMSCDPYL Pubali Chatterjee, Deng-Yuan, Ji, Shadab Khalil, Douglas Glenn Bast Chung Yuan Management Review, 2021 | | 2021 |
Power and infidelity in international relational exchanges: An investigation of intervening and contingency factors S Khalil, CJ Luan, P Chatterjee Academy of International Business (AIB) 2020 Annual Conference, 2020 | | 2020 |
Consumers’ Trust and Behavioral Implications Following Food Safety Scandals: The Role of Distributive, Procedural, and Interactional Justice CJ Luan, S Khalil Academy of International Business (AIB) 2019 Annual Conference, Copenhagen …, 2019 | | 2019 |
The effect of social media communication on collaborative activities in cross-border B2B relationships S Khalil 23rd Annual 2018 CBIM international Conference, Madrid, Spain, 2018 | | 2018 |
An examination of the effect of green message credibility on consumers’ perceived greenwash S Khalil Management Theory and Practice Conference, Hualien, Taiwan, 2018 | | 2018 |
The interactive effect of advertising appeals and self-esteem on social media advertising effectiveness: The mediating role of self-reward focus S Khalil GBATA Eighteenth Annual International Conference, Dubai, UAE, 2016 | | 2016 |
Joint action and performance in international channels of distribution: The role of engagement, conflict, and psychological contracts S Khalil 5th European Business Research Conference, Rome, Italy, 2015 | | 2015 |