Andrea Sindico
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Cited by
Towards model driven design of service-based context-aware applications
V Grassi, A Sindico
International workshop on Engineering of software services for pervasive …, 2007
Integrating SysML with Simulink using Open-source Model Transformations
A Sindico, M Di Natale, P Gianpiero
SIMULTECH 2011, 45-56, 2011
Model driven development of context aware software systems
A Sindico, V Grassi
Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Context-Oriented …, 2009
An MDA approach for the generation of communication adapters integrating SW and FW components from Simulink
M Di Natale, F Chirico, A Sindico, A Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: 17th International …, 2014
A comprehensive model for chaff characterization
D Della Ducata, G Foglia, D Pistoia, A Sindico
2009 European Radar Conference (EuRAD), 485-488, 2009
A Model-based approach for the synthesis of software to firmware adapters for use with automatically generated components
M Di Natale, D Perillo, F Chirico, A Sindico, A Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Software & Systems Modeling 17, 11-33, 2018
An industrial system engineering process integrating model driven architecture and model based design
A Sindico, M Di Natale, A Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: 15th International …, 2012
Uml modeling of static and dynamic aspects
V Grassi, A Sindico
International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling, Bonn, Germany, 6, 2006
An industrial application of a system engineering process integrating model-driven architecture and model based design
A Sindico, A Sangiovanni Vincentelli, M DI NATALE
Proceedings della Conferenza MODELS 2012, 2012
Distributed simulation of electronic warfare command and control scenarios
A Sindico, D Cannone, S Tortora, GF Italiano, M Naldi
Symposium on Navy Operational Research and Logistics (SPOLM). Rio de Janeiro, 2012
Design and simulation of a distributed sensor network for passive emitter tracking and coast surveillance
D Benvenuti, A Sindico
2010 International WaterSide Security Conference, 1-5, 2010
A data fusion architecture for an Electronic Warfare multi-sensor suite
S Tortora, A Sindico, G Severino
2010 2nd International Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing, 29-34, 2010
An electronic warfare meta-model for network centric systems
A Sindico, S Tortora, AC Petrelli, MV Fasano
2010 2nd International Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing, 23-28, 2010
Design and development of a context oriented language for middleware based applications
A Sindico, G Bartolomeo, V Grassi, S Salsano
Proceedings of the 2008 workshop on Next generation aspect oriented …, 2008
Distributed simulation of Electronic Warfare command and control scenarios
S Tortora, D Cannone, M Giovacchini, G Italiano, M Naldi, A Sindico
Proceeding International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop …, 2011
Multi Sensor Data Fusion in Electronic Warfare Systems
S Tortora, A Sindico, M Guerriero, G Severino, V Rossi, G Falco
A Sindico, D Cannone, G Falco
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Articles 1–17