Muhammad Usman Ilyas
Muhammad Usman Ilyas
University of Birmingham Dubai
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Activity Detection Using Smartphone Sensors
A Anjum, MU Ilyas
IEEE Consumer Communication and Networking Conference (CCNC’13), 914-919, 2013
Identifying influential nodes in online social networks using principal component centrality
MU Ilyas, H Radha
2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-5, 2011
Identifying leaders and followers in online social networks
MZ Shafiq, MU Ilyas, AX Liu, H Radha
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 31 (9), 618-628, 2013
Shedding light on the dark corners of the internet: A survey of tor research
S Saleh, J Qadir, MU Ilyas
Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2018
CRATER: A Crowd Sensing Application To Estimate Road Conditions
F Kalim, JP Jeong, MU Ilyas
IEEE Access 4 (1), 8317-8326, 2016
A distributed and privacy preserving algorithm for identifying information hubs in social networks
MU Ilyas, MZ Shafiq, AX Liu, H Radha
2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 561-565, 2011
A KLT-inspired node centrality for identifying influential neighborhoods in graphs
MU Ilyas, H Radha
2010 44th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), 1-7, 2010
Machine learning approaches to network intrusion detection for contemporary internet traffic
MU Ilyas, SA Alharbi
Computing 104, 2022
Measurement based analysis and modeling of the error process in IEEE 802.15. 4 LR-WPANs
MU Ilyas, H Radha
IEEE INFOCOM 2008-The 27th Conference on Computer Communications, 1274-1282, 2008
A distributed algorithm for identifying information hubs in social networks
MU Ilyas, MZ Shafiq, AX Liu, H Radha
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 31 (9), 629-640, 2013
Wordcloud Segmentation for Simplified Exploration of Trending Topics on Twitter
N Shahid, M Ilyas, J Alowibdi, N Aljohani
IET Software 11 (5), 214-220, 2017
Post Summarization of Microblogs of Sporting Events
M Gillani, MU Ilyas, S Saleh, JS Alowibdi, N Aljohani, FS Alotaibi
Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion …, 2017
Analytical Modeling of End-to-End Delay in OpenFlow Based Networks
U Javed, A Iqbal, S Saleh, JW Kim, J Alowibdi, M Ilyas
IEEE Access 5 (1), 6859-6871, 2016
A stochastic model for transit latency in OpenFlow SDNs
U Javed, A Iqbal, S Saleh, SA Haider, MU Ilyas
Computer Networks 113, 218-229, 2017
Automatic License Plate Recognition in Real-World Traffic Videos Captured in Unconstrained Environment by a Mobile Camera
IR Khan, STA Ali, A Siddiq, MM Khan, MU Ilyas, S Alshomrani, S Rahardja
Electronics 11 (9), 1408, 2022
Increasing network lifetime of an ieee 802.15. 4 wireless sensor network by energy efficient routing
MU Ilyas, H Radha
2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications 9, 3978-3983, 2006
Internet‐of‐Things‐Infrastructure‐as‐a‐Service: The democratization of access to public Internet‐of‐Things Infrastructure
MU Ilyas, M Ahmad, S Saleem
International Journal of Communication Systems 33 (16), 2020
A measurement study of open source SDN layers in OpenStack under network perturbation
A Malik, J Ahmed, J Qadir, MU Ilyas
Computer Communications 102, 139-149, 2017
Reducing packet losses in networks of commodity IEEE 802.15. 4 sensor motes using cooperative communication and diversity combination
MU Ilyas, M Kim, H Radha
IEEE INFOCOM 2009, 1818-1826, 2009
vIoT: A First Step Towards a Shared, Multi-tenant IoT Infrastructure Architecture
M Ahmed, JS Alowibdi, MU Ilyas
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’17 …, 2017
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Articles 1–20