Ewa Wanda Ziemba
Ewa Wanda Ziemba
Professor at University of Economics in Katowice / Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach
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Cited by
Approach to building and implementing business intelligence systems
CM Olszak, E Ziemba
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management 2 (1 …, 2007
Critical success factors for implementing business intelligence systems in small and medium enterprises on the example of upper Silesia, Poland
CM Olszak, E Ziemba
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management 7, 129, 2012
The dark side of generative artificial intelligence: A critical analysis of controversies and risks of ChatGPT
K Wach, CD Duong, J Ejdys, R Kazlauskaitė, P Korzynski, G Mazurek, ...
Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review 11 (2), 7-30, 2023
Generative artificial intelligence as a new context for management theories: analysis of ChatGPT
P Korzynski, G Mazurek, A Altmann, J Ejdys, R Kazlauskaite, ...
Central European Management Journal, 2023
Business intelligence systems in the holistic infrastructure development supporting decision-making in organisations.
CM Olszak, E Ziemba
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge & Management 1, 2006
The contribution of ICT adoption to the sustainable information society
E Ziemba
Journal of Computer Information Systems 59 (2), 116-126, 2019
Critical success factors for ERP systems implementation in public administration
E Ziemba, I Oblak
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management 8, 1-19, 2013
Sustainable cities and communities assessment using the DARIA-TOPSIS method
J Wątróbski, A Bączkiewicz, E Ziemba, W Sałabun
Sustainable Cities and Society 83, 103926, 2022
Strategie i modele gospodarki elektronicznej
C Olszak, E Ziemba
Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2012
Business intelligence as a key to management of an enterprise
CM Olszak, E Ziemba
Proceedings of informing science and IT education conference 10, 2672, 2003
A model of success factors for e-government adoption-the case of Poland.
E Ziemba, T Papaj, R Żelazny
Issues in Information Systems 14 (2), 2013
Factors influencing the success of e-government
E Ziemba, T Papaj, R Żelazny, M Jadamus-Hacura
Journal of Computer Information Systems 56 (2), 156-167, 2016
The holistic and systems approach to the sustainable information society
E Ziemba
Journal of Computer Information Systems 54 (1), 106-116, 2013
Change management in information systems projects for public organizations in Poland
E Ziemba, I Obłąk
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management 10 (1 …, 2015
The contribution of ICT adoption to sustainability: households’ perspective
E Ziemba
Information Technology & People 32 (3), 731-753, 2019
Assessing the quality of e-government portals-the Polish experience
E Ziemba, T Papaj, D Descours
2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, 1259-1267, 2014
An index to measure the sustainable information society: the Polish households case
J Wątróbski, E Ziemba, A Karczmarczyk, J Jankowski
Sustainability 10 (9), 3223, 2018
Towards a sustainable information society: People, business and public administration perspectives
E Ziemba
Cambridge scholars publishing, 2016
Business intelligence systems as a new generation of decision support systems
CM Olszak, E Ziemba
Proceedings of PISTA 2004, International Conference on Politics and …, 2004
Prosumers’ eagerness for knowledge sharing with enterprises–a Polish study
E Ziemba, M Eisenbardt
Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management 2 (1), 40-58, 2014
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Articles 1–20