Prof. Dr. Fernando Osorio
Prof. Dr. Fernando Osorio
USP - University of Sao Paulo / ICMC
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Cited by
Cited by
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles and wireless sensor network in agricultural applications
FG Costa, J Ueyama, T Braun, G Pessin, FS Osório, PA Vargas
2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 5045-5048, 2012
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles and wireless sensor networks for spraying pesticides
BS Faiçal, FG Costa, G Pessin, J Ueyama, H Freitas, A Colombo, PH Fini, ...
Journal of Systems Architecture 60 (4), 393-404, 2014
Mobile robots navigation in indoor environments using kinect sensor
DSO Correa, DF Sciotti, MG Prado, DO Sales, DF Wolf, FS Osório
2012 Second Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems, 36-41, 2012
Robust curb detection and vehicle localization in urban environments
AY Hata, FS Osorio, DF Wolf
2014 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Proceedings, 1257-1262, 2014
CaRINA intelligent robotic car: architectural design and applications
LC Fernandes, JR Souza, G Pessin, PY Shinzato, D Sales, C Mendes, ...
Journal of Systems Architecture 60 (4), 372-392, 2014
INSS: A hybrid system for constructive machine learning
FS Osório, B Amy
Neurocomputing 28 (1-3), 191-205, 1999
Seva3d: Using arti cial neural networks to autonomous vehicle parking control
MR Heinen, FS Osório, FJ Heinen, C Kelber
The 2006 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Network Proceedings …, 2006
Traffic lights detection and state estimation using hidden markov models
AE Gomez, FAR Alencar, PV Prado, FS Osorio, DF Wolf
2014 IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium proceedings, 750-755, 2014
An intelligent and adaptive virtual environment and its application in distance learning
CT dos Santos, FS Osório
Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces, 362-365, 2004
Computação embarcada: Projeto e implementação de veículos autônomos inteligentes
CR Jung, FS Osório, CR Kelber, FJ Heinen
Anais do CSBC 5, 1358-1406, 2005
Fast visual road recognition and horizon detection using multiple artificial neural networks
PY Shinzato, V Grassi, FS Osorio, DF Wolf
2012 IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium, 1090-1095, 2012
Robótica móvel
RAF Romero, EP Silva Junior, FS Osório, DF Wolf
Adaptive finite state machine based visual autonomous navigation system
DO Sales, DO Correa, LC Fernandes, DF Wolf, FS Osório
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 29, 152-162, 2014
Robótica móvel inteligente: Da simulação às aplicações no mundo real
DF Wolf, EV Simões, FS Osório, OT Junior
Mini-Curso: Jornada de Atualização em Informática (JAI), Congresso da SBC, 13, 2009
Sistemas inteligentes baseados em redes neurais artificiais aplicados ao processamento de imagens
I Workshop de inteligência artificial, 2000
Authentication methods for UAV communication
M Rodrigues, J Amaro, FS Osório, BK RLJC
2019 IEEE symposium on computers and communications (ISCC), 1210-1215, 2019
Longitudinal and lateral control for autonomous ground vehicles
C Massera Filho, DF Wolf, V Grassi, FS Osório
2014 IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium proceedings, 588-593, 2014
INSS: un système hybride neuro-symbolique pour l'apprentissage automatique constructif
FS Osório
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble-INPG, 1998
Integrating intelligent agents, user models, and automatic content categorization in a virtual environment
CT dos Santos, FS Osório
International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 128-139, 2004
Applying genetic algorithms to control gait of physically based simulated robots
MR Heinen, FS Osório
2006 IEEE international conference on evolutionary computation, 1823-1830, 2006
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Articles 1–20