Wei Zhu
Wei Zhu
Professor of Math Department, University of Alabama
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Cited by
Level set based shape prior segmentation
T Chan, W Zhu
2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2005
Image denoising using mean curvature of image surface
W Zhu, T Chan
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 5 (1), 1-32, 2012
Augmented Lagrangian method for a mean curvature based image denoising model
W Zhu, XC Tai, T Chan
Inverse Probl. Imaging 7 (4), 1409-1432, 2013
Image segmentation using Euler’s elastica as the regularization
W Zhu, XC Tai, T Chan
Journal of scientific computing 57, 414-438, 2013
Modeling and simulation of liquid-crystal elastomers
W Zhu, M Shelley, P Palffy-Muhoray
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83 (5 …, 2011
Augmented Lagrangian method for an Euler's elastica based segmentation model that promotes convex contours
E Bae, XC Tai, Z Wei
Segmentation with depth: A level set approach
W Zhu, T Chan, S Esedo gŻ lu
SIAM journal on scientific computing 28 (5), 1957-1973, 2006
A variational model for capturing illusory contours using curvature
W Zhu, T Chan
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 27 (1), 29-40, 2007
Image Segmentation Using the Cahn–Hilliard Equation
W Yang, Z Huang, W Zhu
Journal of Scientific Computing, 2019
Correlation between spatial frequency and orientation selectivity in V1 cortex: implications of a network model
W Zhu, D Xing, M Shelley, R Shapley
Vision research 50 (22), 2261-2273, 2010
A neuronal network model of primary visual cortex explains spatial frequency selectivity
W Zhu, M Shelley, R Shapley
Journal of computational neuroscience 26, 271-287, 2009
Illusory shapes via corner fusion
SH Kang, W Zhu, J Jianhong
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 7 (4), 1907-1936, 2014
A fast algorithm for a mean curvature based image denoising model using augmented lagrangian method
W Zhu, XC Tai, T Chan
Efficient Algorithms for Global Optimization Methods in Computer Vision …, 2014
A geodesic-active-contour-based variational model for short-axis cardiac MR image segmentation
W Zhu, S Ha Kang, G Biros
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 90 (1), 124-139, 2013
A first-order image denoising model for staircase reduction
W Zhu
Advances in Computational Mathematics 45 (5), 3217-3239, 2019
An efficient tailored finite point method for Rician denoising and deblurring
W Yang, Z Huang, W Zhu
Commun. Comput. Phys. 24 (4), 1169-1195, 2018
Illusory contours using shape information
W Zhu, T Chan
2003-03-09). http://www. math. ucla. edu/applied/cam/index. html, 2005
Capture illusory contours: A level set based approach
W Zhu, T Chan
UCLA CAM Report, 03-65, 2003
Image Denoising Using -norm of Mean Curvature of Image Surface
W Zhu
Journal of Scientific Computing 83 (2), 32, 2020
Survey of fast algorithms for Euler's elastica-based image segmentation
SH Kang, XC Tai, W Zhu
Handbook of Numerical Analysis 20, 533-552, 2019
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Articles 1–20