Ali Sanayei
Ali Sanayei
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An analysis of brand image, perceived quality, customer satisfaction and re-purchase intention in Iranian department stores
B Ranjbarian, A Sanayei, MR Kaboli, A Hadadian
International Journal of Business and Management 7 (6), 40-48, 2012
Evaluation of the consumers' trust effect on viral marketing acceptance based on the technology acceptance model
SFA Aghdaie, A Sanayei, M Etebari
International Journal of Marketing Studies 4 (6), 79, 2012
Designing a model for evaluating the effectiveness of E-HRM (case study: Iranian organizations)
A Sanayei, A Mirzaei
International Journal of Information Science and Management (IJISM) 6 (2), 79-98, 2008
The role of brand image in forming airlines passengers’ purchase intention: study of Iran aviation industry
MM Shafiee, A Sanayei, A Shahin, HR Dolatabadi
International Journal of Services and Operations Management 19 (3), 360-376, 2014
Integrating TAM and TPB with perceived risk to measure customers’ acceptance of internet banking
A Sanayei, E Bahmani
International Journal of Information science and management (IJISM), 25-37, 2012
An analysis of relationship between perceived value, perceived quality, customer satisfaction and re-purchase intention in Tehran department stores
B Ranjbarian, M Rashid Kaboli, A Sanayei, A Hadadian
Journal of business Management 4 (1), 55-70, 2012
Determinants of medical tourists’ revisit and recommend intention
M Heydari Fard, A Sanayei, A Ansari
International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration 22 (4), 429-454, 2021
Investigation of customer knowledge management (CKM) dimensions: A survey research
A Sanayei, M Sadidi
International Journal of Business and Management 6 (11), 234, 2011
Determinants of customer loyalty using mobile payment services in Iran
A Sanayei, B Ranjbarian, A Shaemi, A Ansari
Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business 3 (6), 22-34, 2011
An analysis of factors affecting intention to purchase products and services in social commerce
M Dashti, A Sanayei, HR Dolatabadi, MH Moshrefjavadi
Modern Applied Science 10 (12), 98-106, 2016
Determining the effect of electronic services quality on electronic satisfaction and positive word of mouth (case study: different branches of shiraz mellat bank customers
A Sanayei, A Jokar
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and …, 2013
The effect of marketing tactical capabilities on the financial performance of the firms: Meta-analysis approach
B Asgarnezhad Nouri, A Sanayei, S Fathi, A Kazemi
Interdisciplinary Journal of Management Studies (Formerly known as Iranian …, 2015
Analyzing the effects of brand innovativeness on attitude towards the brand considering the moderating role of consumer innovativeness with a case study in students of …
A Sanayei, A Shahin, A Taherfar
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and …, 2013
Critical successful factors contributing to e-commerce adoption among Iranian SMEs
A Sanayei, L Rajabion
International Journal of Information Science and Management (IJISM) 7 (2), 57-65, 2009
Security of internet banking services and its linkage with users' trust: A case study of Parsian bank of Iran and CIMB bank of Malaysia
A Sanayei, A Noroozi
2009 International Conference on Information Management and Engineering, 3-7, 2009
Evaluating the effectiveness of TV advertisement and analyzing its influence on attraction of saving deposit accounts of Ansar Bank in the city of Isfahan
A Sanayei, A Shahin, SN Amirosadt
Journal of Business Administration and Management Sciences Research 2 (2), 53-58, 2013
An analysis of the factors affecting customers satisfaction and trust in mobile banking (Case study: Branches of bank Mellat in Isfahan)
A Sanayei, A Shaemi, H Jamshidi
Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business 3 (7), 440-452, 2011
Application of the stimuli-organism-response framework to factors influencing social commerce intentions among social network users
M Dashti, A Sanayei, HR Dolatabadi, MHM Javadi
International Journal of Business Information Systems 30 (2), 177-202, 2019
A hybrid technology acceptance approach for using the E-CRM information system in clothing industry
A Sanayei, A Ansari, B Ranjbarian
International Journal of Information Science and Management (IJISM), 15-25, 2012
SMS Advertising and Consumer Privacy: Analysis of Factors Affecting Consumer Willingness to send and Receive Information in Permission and Data based SMS advertising.
M Siyavooshi, A Sanayei, S Fathi
New Marketing Research Journal, 2013
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Articles 1–20