Patrick Robertson
Patrick Robertson
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A comparison of optimal and sub-optimal MAP decoding algorithms operating in the log domain
P Robertson, E Villebrun, P Hoeher
Proceedings IEEE international conference on communications ICC'95 2, 1009-1013, 1995
Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering
P Hoeher, S Kaiser, P Robertson
Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 1997
Optimal and sub‐optimal maximum a posteriori algorithms suitable for turbo decoding
P Robertson, P Hoeher, E Villebrun
European Transactions on Telecommunications 8 (2), 119-125, 1997
Bandwidth-efficient turbo trellis-coded modulation using punctured component codes
P Robertson, T Worz
IEEE Journal on Selected areas in communications 16 (2), 206-218, 1998
Illuminating the structure of code and decoder of parallel concatenated recursive systematic (turbo) codes
P Robertson
1994 IEEE GLOBECOM. Communications: The Global Bridge 3, 1298-1303, 1994
Analysis of the effects of phase-noise in orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) systems
P Robertson, S Kaiser
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC'95 3, 1652-1657, 1995
Pilot-symbol-aided channel estimation in time and frequency
P Hoeher, S Kaiser, P Robertson
Multi-carrier spread-spectrum, 169-178, 1997
The Effects of Doppler Spreads in OFDM (A) Mobile Radio Systems
P Robertson, S Kaiser
Iterative (" TURBO") decoding of systematic convolutional codes with the MAP and SOVA algorithms
J Hagenauer, P Robertson, L Papke
ITG FACHBERICHT, 21-21, 1994
Simultaneous localization and mapping for pedestrians using only foot-mounted inertial sensors
P Robertson, M Angermann, B Krach
Proceedings of the 11th international conference on Ubiquitous computing, 93-96, 2009
Improved decoding with the SOVA in a parallel concatenated (turbo-code) scheme
L Papke, P Robertson, E Villebrun
Proceedings of ICC/SUPERCOMM'96-International Conference on Communications 1 …, 1996
FootSLAM: Pedestrian simultaneous localization and mapping without exteroceptive sensors—Hitchhiking on human perception and cognition
M Angermann, P Robertson
Proceedings of the IEEE 100 (Special Centennial Issue), 1840-1848, 2012
A novel bandwidth efficient coding scheme employing turbo codes
P Robertson, T Worz
Proceedings of ICC/SUPERCOMM'96-International Conference on Communications 2 …, 1996
Characterization of the indoor magnetic field for applications in localization and mapping
M Angermann, M Frassl, M Doniec, BJ Julian, P Robertson
2012 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation …, 2012
Coded modulation scheme employing turbo codes
P Robertson, T Worz
Electronics letters 31 (18), 1546-1547, 1995
Wislam: Improving footslam with wifi
L Bruno, P Robertson
2011 International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, 1-10, 2011
Integration of foot-mounted inertial sensors into a Bayesian location estimation framework
B Krach, P Robertson
2008 5th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication, 55-61, 2008
Magnetic Maps of Indoor Environments for Precise Localization of Legged and Non-legged Locomotion}
M Frassl, M Angermann, M Lichtenstern, P Robertson, BJ Julian, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE, 2013
Unscented Kalman filter and magnetic angular rate update (MARU) for an improved pedestrian dead-reckoning
F Zampella, M Khider, P Robertson, A Jiménez
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium …, 2012
Cascaded estimation architecture for integration of foot-mounted inertial sensors
B Krach, P Robertson
Position, Location and Navigation Symposium, 2008 IEEE/ION, 112-119, 2008
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Articles 1–20