Diane Souvaine
Diane Souvaine
Professor of Computer Science & Vice Provost for Research, Tufts University
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Cited by
Staged self-assembly: nanomanufacture of arbitrary shapes with O(1) glues
ED Demaine, ML Demaine, SP Fekete, M Ishaque, E Rafalin, ...
Natural Computing 7, 347-370, 2008
Planar minimally rigid graphs and pseudo-triangulations
R Haas, D Orden, G Rote, F Santos, B Servatius, H Servatius, D Souvaine, ...
Proceedings of the nineteenth annual symposium on Computational geometry …, 2003
On compatible triangulations of simple polygons
B Aronov, R Seidel, D Souvaine
Computational Geometry 3 (1), 27-35, 1993
Computing least median of squares regression lines and guided topological sweep
H Edelsbrunner, DL Souvaine
Journal of the American Statistical Association 85 (409), 115-119, 1990
Computational geometry in a curved world
DP Dobkin, DL Souvaine
Algorithmica 5 (1), 421-457, 1990
Time-and space-efficient algorithms for least median of squares regression
DL Souvaine, JM Steele
Journal of the American Statistical Association 82 (399), 794-801, 1987
An efficient algorithm for guard placement in polygons with holes
I Bjorling-Sachs, DL Souvaine
Discrete & Computational Geometry 13 (1), 77-109, 1995
The floodlight problem
P Bose, L Guibas, A Lubiw, M Overmars, D Souvaine, J Urrutia
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 7 (01n02 …, 1997
Efficient computation of location depth contours by methods of computational geometry
K Miller, S Ramaswami, P Rousseeuw, JA Sellares, D Souvaine, I Streinu, ...
Statistics and Computing 13, 153-162, 2003
Compatible geometric matchings
O Aichholzer, S Bereg, A Dumitrescu, A García, C Huemer, F Hurtado, ...
Computational Geometry 42 (6-7), 617-626, 2009
Data depth: robust multivariate analysis, computational geometry, and applications
RY Liu, RJ Serfling, DL Souvaine
American Mathematical Soc., 2006
Decomposition and intersection of simple splinegons
DP Dobkin, DL Souvaine, CJ Van Wyk
Algorithmica 3 (1), 473-485, 1988
Coping with inconsistencies: a new approach to produce quality triangulations of polygonal domains with holes
EA Melissaratos, DL Souvaine
Proceedings of the eighth annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, 202-211, 1992
An experimental study of old and new depth measures
J Hugg, E Rafalin, K Seyboth, D Souvaine
2006 Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and …, 2006
Disjoint compatible geometric matchings
M Ishaque, DL Souvaine, CD Tóth
Proceedings of the twenty-seventh annual symposium on Computational geometry …, 2011
The aquarium keeper's problem
J Czyzowicz, P Egyed, H Everett, D Rappaport, T Shermer, D Souvaine, ...
Proceedings of the second annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms …, 1991
An intuitive approach to measuring protein surface curvature
RG Coleman, MA Burr, DL Souvaine, AC Cheng
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 61 (4), 1068-1074, 2005
Shortest paths help solve geometric optimization problems in planar regions
EA Melissaratos, DL Souvaine
SIAM Journal on Computing 21 (4), 601-638, 1992
Data Depth: Robust Multivariate Analysis
RY Liu, R Serfling, DL Souvaine
Computational Geometry and Applications 72, 2006
Fast implementation of depth contours using topological sweep
K Miller, S Ramaswami, P Rousseeuw, T Sellarès, D Souvaine, I Streinu, ...
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Articles 1–20