Luke Jones
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When do auditory/visual differences in duration judgements occur?
JH Wearden, NPM Todd, LA Jones
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 59 (10), 1709-1724, 2006
Cognitive mechanisms associated with auditory sensory gating
LA Jones, PJ Hills, KM Dick, SP Jones, P Bright
Brain and cognition 102, 33-45, 2016
More is not necessarily better: Examining the nature of the temporal reference memory component in timing
LA Jones, JH Wearden
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section B 56 (4b), 321-343, 2003
Double standards: Memory loading in temporal reference memory
LA Jones, JH Wearden
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section B 57 (1b), 55-77, 2004
Time perception and autistic spectrum condition: A systematic review
M Casassus, E Poliakoff, E Gowen, D Poole, LA Jones
Autism Research 12 (10), 1440-1462, 2019
The role of executive functions in human prospective interval timing
RS Ogden, E Salominaite, LA Jones, JE Fisk, C Montgomery
Acta psychologica 137 (3), 352-358, 2011
Is the growth of subjective time in humans a linear or nonlinear function of real time?
JH Wearden, LA Jones
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (9), 1289-1302, 2007
The remembrance of times past: interference in temporal reference memory.
RS Ogden, JH Wearden, LA Jones
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 34 (6 …, 2008
The Venus effect in real life and in photographs
M Bertamini, R Lawson, L Jones, M Winters
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 72, 1948-1964, 2010
Boundary extension: the role of magnification, object size, context, and binocular information.
M Bertamini, LA Jones, A Spooner, H Hecht
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 31 (6 …, 2005
Good vibrations: Human interval timing in the vibrotactile modality
LA Jones, E Poliakoff, J Wells
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (11), 2171-2186, 2009
Click trains and the rate of information processing: Does “speeding up” subjective time make other psychological processes run faster?
LA Jones, CS Allely, JH Wearden
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (2), 363-380, 2011
What speeds up the internal clock? Effects of clicks and flicker on duration judgements and reaction time
JH Wearden, EA Williams, LA Jones
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (3), 488-503, 2017
Explaining between-group differences in performance on timing tasks
JH Wearden, LA Jones
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (1), 179-199, 2013
Are memories for duration modality specific?
RS Ogden, JH Wearden, LA Jones
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (1), 65-80, 2010
The interaction between duration, velocity and repetitive auditory stimulation
ADJ Makin, E Poliakoff, J Dillon, A Perrin, T Mullet, LA Jones
Acta psychologica 139 (3), 524-531, 2012
More is still not better: Testing the perturbation model of temporal reference memory across different modalities and tasks
RS Ogden, LA Jones
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (5), 909-924, 2009
The ‘Teacher Research Group’as a collaborative model of professional learning
L Jones
Educational Action Research 31 (3), 409-423, 2023
The perception of duration and the judgment of the passage of time
LA Jones
The illusions of time: Philosophical and psychological essays on timing and …, 2019
‘No idea of time’: Parents report differences in autistic children’s behaviour relating to time in a mixed-methods study
D Poole, E Gowen, E Poliakoff, LA Jones
Autism 25 (6), 1797-1808, 2021
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Articles 1–20