Park, Seung Ho
Park, Seung Ho
Professor, NTU
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Guanxi and organizational dynamics: Organizational networking in Chinese firms
SH Park, Y Luo
Strategic management journal 22 (5), 455-477, 2001
The effect of national culture, organizational complementarity, and economic motivation on joint venture dissolution
SH Park, GR Ungson
Academy of Management journal 40 (2), 279-307, 1997
When competition eclipses cooperation: An event history analysis of joint venture failure
SH Park, MV Russo
Management science 42 (6), 875-890, 1996
Interfirm rivalry and managerial complexity: A conceptual framework of alliance failure
SH Park, GR Ungson
Organization science 12 (1), 37-53, 2001
National and organizational culture differences and international joint venture performance
V Pothukuchi, F Damanpour, J Choi, CC Chen, S Ho Park
Journal of international business studies 33, 243-265, 2002
Interorganizational links and innovation: The case of hospital services
JB Goes, SH Park
Academy of management journal 40 (3), 673-696, 1997
Firm resources as moderators of the relationship between market growth and strategic alliances in semiconductor start-ups
SH Park, R Chen, S Gallagher
Academy of management Journal 45 (3), 527-545, 2002
Strategic alignment and performance of market‐seeking MNCs in China
Y Luo, SH Park
Strategic management journal 22 (2), 141-155, 2001
Managing an interorganizational network: a framework of the institutional mechanism for network control
SH Park
Organization studies 17 (5), 795-824, 1996
Market liberalization and firm performance during China's economic transition
SH Park, S Li, DK Tse
Journal of International Business Studies 37, 127-147, 2006
Innovation and competition in standard-based industries: a historical analysis of the US home video game market
S Gallagher, SH Park
IEEE transactions on engineering management 49 (1), 67-82, 2002
Korean enterprise: The quest for globalization
GR Ungson, RM Steers, SH Park
(No Title), 1997
Parent contribution and organizational control in international joint ventures
D Chen, SH Park, W Newburry
Strategic Management Journal 30 (11), 1133-1156, 2009
Multiparty cooperation and performance in international equity joint ventures
Y Luo, SH Park
Journal of international business studies 35, 142-160, 2004
Market valuation of joint ventures: Joint venture characteristics and wealth gains
SH Park, D Kim
Journal of Business Venturing 12 (2), 83-108, 1997
The great leap forward: The transition from relation-based governance to rule-based governance
S Li, SH Park, S Li
Organizational Dynamics 33 (1), 63-78, 2003
Effects of profitability and liquidity on R&D intensity: Japanese and US companies compared
G Hundley, CK Jacobson, SH Park
Academy of Management Journal 39 (6), 1659-1674, 1996
MNC strategy and social adaptation in emerging markets
M Zhao, SH Park, N Zhou
Journal of International Business Studies 45, 842-861, 2014
Publication records and tenure decisions in the field of strategic management
SH Park, ME Gordon
Strategic Management Journal 17 (2), 109-128, 1996
Business Unit Relatedness and Performance: A look at the pulp and paper industry
PS Davis, RB Robinson, JA Pearce, SH Park
Strategic Management Journal 13 (5), 349-362, 1992
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