Lance Palmer
Lance Palmer
Professor of Financial Planning, University of Georgia
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Are we making the grade? A national overview of financial education and program evaluation
AC Lyons, L Palmer, KSU Jayaratne, E Scherpf
Journal of Consumer Affairs 40 (2), 208-235, 2006
Financial literacy and education research priorities
J Schuchardt, SD Hanna, TK Hira, A Lyons, L Palmer, JJ Xiao
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning 20 (1), 2009
Leisure travel expenditure patterns by family life cycle stages
GS Hong, JX Fan, L Palmer, V Bhargava
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 18 (2), 15-30, 2005
Improving financial awareness among college students: Assessment of a financial management project
L Palmer, D Bliss, JW Goetz, D Moorman
College Student Journal 44 (3), 2010
Will adoption and life events among older adults
L Palmer, V Bhargava, GS Hong
Financial Services Review 15 (4), 281, 2006
Saving for success: Financial education and savings goal achievement in individual development accounts
M Grinstead, T Mauldin, JJ Sabia, JK Moss, L Palmer
Available at SSRN 1996707, 2012
Expanding financial education and planning opportunities through service-learning
L Palmer, J Goetz, S Chatterjee
Financial Services Review 18 (2), 157-175, 2009
Individual wealth accumulation: Why does dining together as a family matter?
S Chatterjee, L Palmer, J Goetz
Applied Economics Research Bulletin 8 (2), 1-22, 2012
Helping undergraduates discover the value of a dollar through self-monitoring
L Palmer, D Bliss, JW Goetz, D Moorman
American Journal of Business Education 3 (7), 2010
Financial Self-Efficacy: Mediating the Association Between Self-Regulation and Financial Management Behaviors.
L Palmer, EW Richardson, J Goetz, TG Futris, J Gale, K DeMeester
Journal of Financial Counseling & Planning 32 (3), 2021
Service-learning in the Financial Planning Curriculum: Expanding Access to the Community.
PM Annis, L Palmer, J Goetz
Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences 102 (3), 2010
Low-income employees: The relationship between information from formal advisors and financial behaviors
CR Hudson, L Palmer
Financial Services Review: The Journal of Individual Financial Management 23 …, 2014
A case study demonstrating the use of appreciative inquiry in a financial coaching program
LM Delgadillo, L Palmer, J Goetz
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 45 (2), 166-178, 2016
Promoting savings at tax time through a video-based solution-focused brief coaching intervention
L Palmer, T Pichot, I Kunovskaya
Journal of Financial Therapy 7 (1), 2, 2016
Rental real estate ownership prior to the Great Recession
M Seay, A Carswell, R Nielsen, L Palmer
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 41 (4), 363-374, 2013
Content and delivery in financial education programs
J Goetz, L Palmer
Student financial literacy: Campus-based program development, 65-78, 2012
An examination of short-term borrowing in the United States
S Chatterjee, J Goetz, L Palmer
Global Journal of Business Research 3 (2), 1-18, 2009
Financial education evaluation manual
KSU Jayaratne, AC Lyons, L Palmer
Greenwood Village, CO: National Endowment for Financial Education. Retrieved …, 2007
Supportive and mitigating factors associated with financial resiliency and distress
V Bhargava, L Palmer, S Chatterjee, R Stebbins
Financial Planning Review 1 (3-4), e1023, 2018
Long term care insurance purchase: An alternative approach
JM Lown, L Palmer
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning 15 (2), 2004
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