Muhammad Aslam
Muhammad Aslam
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Characteristics of electron beam evaporated nanocrystalline SnO2 thin films annealed in air
MA Abdul Faheem Khan, Mazhar Mehmood, Muhammad Aslam
Applied Surface Science 256 (7), 2252-2258, 2010
The effects of electropolishing on the nanochannel ordering of the porous anodic alumina prepared in oxalic acid
MA A. Rauf, M. Mehmood, M. Asim Rasheed
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 13, 321-332, 2009
Preparation of transparent anodic alumina with ordered nanochannels by through-thickness anodic oxidation of aluminum sheet
M Mehmood, M., Rauf, A., Rasheed, M.A., Saeed, S., Akhter J. I., Ahmad J., Aslam
Materials Chemistry and Physics 104, 306-311, 2007
Nanostructured multilayer TiO2-Ge films with quantum confinement effects for photovoltaic applications
SIS Abdul Faheem Khan, Mazhar Mehmood, Muhammad Aslam
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 343 (1), 271-280, 2010
Effects of ordering quality of the pores on the photoluminescence of porous anodic alumina prepared in oxalic acid
MHMA Abdur Rauf, Mazhar Mehmood, Maqsood Ahmed
Journal of Luminescence 130 (5), 792-800, 2010
Deposition of Nanocrystalline Zinc-Nickel Alloys by D.C. Plating in Additive Free Chloride Bath
JIA Rashid Rizwan, Mazhar Mehmood, Muhammad Imran, Jamil Ahmad, Muhammad Aslam
Materials Transactions 48 (6), 1558-1565, 2007
Ni-WC composite coatings by carburizing electrodeposited amorphous and nanocrystalline Ni-W alloys
ZZ Saadia Latif, Mazhar Mehmood, Jamil Ahmad, Muhammad Aslam, Maqsood Ahmed
Applied Surface Science 256 (10), 3098-3106, 2010
Corrosion behavior of zinc-nickel alloy coatings electro-deposited in additive-free chloride baths
MA Rizwan Khan, Mazhar Mehmood, Rashid Rizwan, Jamil Ahmad, Mujtaba-ul-Hasan ...
Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology 46, 755-761, 2011
Synthesis of nickel nanoparticles in silica by alcogel electrolysis
SKHSH Muhammad Zahid Rana, Mazhar Mehmood, Jamil Ahmad, Muhammad Aslam
Journal of Nanoparticle Research 13 (1), 375-384, 2011
Small-angle X-ray scattering AXS) study of porous anodic alumina-A new Approach
Abdul Waheed, Mazhar Mehmood, Robert Benfield, Jamil Ahmad, Heinz Amenitsch ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 131, 362–369, 2011
Application of amodizing as a pretreatment for nickel plating on aluminum
JIA Mazhar Mehmood, Jamil Ahmad, Muhammad Aslam, Muhammad Iqbal
The Nucleus 40, 123-135, 2003
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