Verônica Santana
Verônica Santana
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Cited by
Corruption and earnings management in developed and emerging countries
I Lourenço, K Rathke, V Santana, M Branco
Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society 18 (1 …, 2018
International financial reporting standards and earnings management in Latin America
AAT Rathke, VF Santana, IMEC Lourenço, FZ Dalmácio
Revista de administração contemporânea 20, 368-388, 2016
Informativeness of stock prices after IFRS adoption in Brazil
FH Castro, V Santana
Journal of Multinational Financial Management 47, 46-59, 2018
Pessimismo nas segundas-feiras: uma análise do efeito dia da semana no mercado de capitais brasileiro em períodos de crise e de estabilidade
VF Santana, LM Trovati
Revista de Gestão, Finanças e Contabilidade 4 (2), 38-53, 2014
IFRS accounting quality in latin america: a comparison with Anglo-Saxon and Continental European Countries and the role of cross-listing in the US
V Santana, A Rathke, I Lourenço, F Dalmácio
IFRS accounting quality in Latin America: A comparison with anglo-saxon and …, 2014
Fifty-year History of the Ibovespa
FH Castro, WE Junior, VF Santana, CE Yoshinaga
Brazilian Review of Finance 17 (3), 47-65, 2019
Economic effects of IFRS adoption in Brazil: an empirical analysis of stock price synchronicity
V Santana, R Sarquis, I Lourenço, B Salotti, F Murcia
Available at SSRN 2383363, 2014
Has IFRS improved comparability regarding earnings management in Latin America?
AAT Rathke, V de Fátima Santana
Standardization of financial reporting and accounting in Latin American …, 2015
Taxa de Desconto na Gestao de Ativos e Passivos Previdenciários
V de Fátima Santana, TMT da Costa
Brazilian Review of Finance 15 (4), 631-655, 2017
A Relevância da Contabilidade no Mercado De Capitais Brasileiro pela Reação dos Preços ao Lucro e ao Patrimônio
V de Fátima Santana, FC da Cunha Cassuce
Contabilidade Vista & Revista 23 (2), 83-100, 2012
Post-Earnings Announcement Drift (PEAD) na América Latina
VF Santana, EL Black, GASF Lima
Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios 24 (3), 472-496, 2022
The effects of corruption on earnings management
IC Lourenço, A Rathke, V Santana, MC Branco
The effects of corruption on earnings management, 2016
Venture capital investment in Latin America: The role of experience, distances, and network features
M Guzella, F Buchbinder, V Santana
Emerging Markets Review 60, 101145, 2024
Demonstração do valor adicionado e informações ESG
BQ Checon, V de Fátima Santana
Revista Catarinense da Ciência Contábil, 50, 2023
Post-Earnings Announcement Drift (PEAD) na América Latina
V de Fátima Santana, E Black, GASF de Lima
RBGN: Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios 24 (3), 472-496, 2022
Essays on IFRS and investment
VF Santana
Universidade de São Paulo, 2019
A statistical factor asset pricing model versus the 4-factor model
V de Fátima Santana, AAT Rathke
Brazilian Review of Finance 16 (4), 545-572, 2018
Searching for Causal Effects of IFRS Adoption
VDF Santana, RW Sarquis
The discount rate in pension assets and liabilities management
VF Santana, TMT Costa
Lociedade Brasileira de Finanças, 2017
IFRS Adoption and the Predictive Power of Earnings Components
V Santana, R Sarquis, A Rathke
Available at SSRN 2548825, 2015
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Articles 1–20