Nathan Jackson
Nathan Jackson
University of New Mexico, Arizona State University, Tyndall National Institute
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Flexible-CMOS and biocompatible piezoelectric AlN material for MEMS applications
N Jackson, L Keeney, A Mathewson
Smart Material Structures 22 (11), 5033, 2013
Energy harvesting from train-induced response in bridges
P Cahill, NAN Nuallain, N Jackson, A Mathewson, R Karoumi, V Pakrashi
Journal of Bridge Engineering 19 (9), 04014034, 2014
Evaluation of low-acceleration MEMS piezoelectric energy harvesting devices
N Jackson, R O’Keeffe, F Waldron, M O’Neill, A Mathewson
Microsystem technologies 20, 671-680, 2014
Ultrasound induced increase in excitability of single neurons
ML Khraiche, WB Phillips, N Jackson, J Muthuswamy
2008 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2008
Enhancing the piezoelectric properties of flexible hybrid AlN materials using semi-crystalline parylene
N Jackson, A Mathewson
Smart Materials and Structures 26 (4), 045005, 2017
Integration of thick-film permanent magnets for MEMS applications
N Jackson, FJ Pedrosa, A Bollero, A Mathewson, OZ Olszewski
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 25 (4), 716-724, 2016
Shock-induced aluminum nitride based MEMS energy harvester to power a leadless pacemaker
N Jackson, OZ Olszewski, C O’Murchu, A Mathewson
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 264, 212-218, 2017
Combination of hybrid energy harvesters with MEMS piezoelectric and nano-Watt radio wake up to extend lifetime of system for wireless sensor nodes
M Magno, N Jackson, A Mathewson, L Benini, E Popovici
26th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems 2013, 1-6, 2013
Influence of aluminum nitride crystal orientation on MEMS energy harvesting device performance
N Jackson, R O’Keeffe, F Waldron, M O’Neill, A Mathewson
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 23 (7), 075014, 2013
Widening the bandwidth of vibration energy harvesters using a liquid-based non-uniform load distribution
N Jackson, F Stam, OZ Olszewski, H Doyle, A Quinn, A Mathewson
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 246, 170-179, 2016
Artificial dural sealant that allows multiple penetrations of implantable brain probes
N Jackson, J Muthuswamy
Journal of neuroscience methods 171 (1), 147-152, 2008
Long-term neural recordings using MEMS based moveable microelectrodes in the brain
N Jackson, A Sridharan, S Anand, M Baker, M Okandan, J Muthuswamy
Frontiers in neuroengineering 3, 1302, 2010
Flexible chip-scale package and interconnect for implantable MEMS movable microelectrodes for the brain
N Jackson, J Muthuswamy
Journal of microelectromechanical systems 18 (2), 396-404, 2009
Crystallinity and mechanical effects from annealing Parylene thin films
N Jackson, F Stam, J O'Brien, L Kailas, A Mathewson, C O'Murchu
Thin Solid Films 603, 371-376, 2016
Evaluation of vibrational PiezoMEMS harvester that scavenges energy from a magnetic field surrounding an AC current-carrying wire
OZ Olszewski, R Houlihan, A Blake, A Mathewson, N Jackson
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 26 (6), 1298-1305, 2017
Structural health monitoring of reinforced concrete beam using piezoelectric energy harvesting system
P Cahill, R O'Keeffe, N Jackson, A Mathewson, V Pakrashi
EWSHM-7th European workshop on structural health monitoring, 2014
A silicon-based MEMS vibrating mesh nebulizer for inhaled drug delivery
O Olszewski, R MacLoughlin, A Blake, M O'Neil, A Mathewson, N Jackson
Procedia Engineering (Eurosensors 2016) 168, 1521-1524, 2016
A MEMS silicon-based piezoelectric AC current sensor
OZ Olszewski, R Houlihan, R O’Keeffe, M O’Neill, F Waldron, ...
Procedia Engineering 87, 1457-1460, 2014
Ultralow-frequency PiezoMEMS energy harvester using thin-film silicon and parylene substrates
N Jackson, O Olszewski, C O'Murchu, A Mathewson
Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS 17 (1), 015005, 2018
Tunable MEMS piezoelectric energy harvesting device
A Rivadeneyra, JM Soto-Rueda, R O’Keeffe, J Banqueri, N Jackson, ...
Microsystem Technologies 22, 823-830, 2016
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Articles 1–20