Constance Russell
Constance Russell
Other namesConnie Russell
Professor, Faculty of Education, Lakehead University
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Beyond human, beyond words: Anthropocentrism, critical pedagogy, and the poststructuralist turn
AC Bell, CL Russell
Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l'éducation, 188-203, 2000
The Fat Pedagogy Reader: Challenging Weight-Based Oppression Through Critical Education
E Cameron, C Russell
Peter Lang …, 2016
Problematizing nature experience in environmental education: The interrelationship of experience and story
CL Russell
Journal of Experiential Education 22 (3), 123-137, 1999
A politicized ethic of care: Environmental education from an ecofeminist perspective.
CL Russell, AC Bell
Women's Voices in Experiential Education, 172-181, 1996
‘Whoever does not write is written’: The role of ‘nature’ in post‐post approaches to environmental education research
CL Russell
Environmental Education Research 11 (4), 433-443, 2005
Expanding the foundation: Climate change and opportunities for educational research
J Henderson, D Long, P Berger, C Russell, A Drewes
Educational Studies 53 (4), 412-425, 2017
Decolonizing + Indigenizing = Moving environmental education towards reconciliation
L Korteweg, C Russell
Canadian Journal of Environmental Education (CJEE) 17, 5-14, 2012
Navigating the waters of Canadian environmental education
CL Russell, AC Bell, L Fawcett
Weaving connections: Educating for peace, social and environmental justice …, 2000
Queering environmental education
C Russell, T Sarick, J Kennelly
Canadian Journal of Environmental Education 7 (1), 54-66, 2002
The impact of integrated environmental studies programs: Are students motivated to act pro-environmentally?
M Breunig, J Murtell, C Russell, R Howard
Environmental Education Research 20 (3), 372-386, 2014
A report on an Ontario secondary school integrated environmental studies program.
CL Russell, J Burton
Canadian Journal of Environmental Education 5, 287-304, 2000
“Fatties cause global warming”: Fat pedagogy and environmental education
C Russell, E Cameron, T Socha, H McNinch
Canadian Journal of Environmental Education (CJEE) 18, 27-45, 2013
Animal encounters in environmental education research: Responding to the" question of the animal"
J Oakley, GPL Watson, CL Russell, A Cutter-Mackenzie, L Fawcett, ...
Canadian Journal of Environmental Education 15, 86-102, 2010
Life ties: Disrupting anthropocentrism in language arts education
AC Bell, CL Russell
Teaching for a tolerant world: Grades K-6 essays and resources, 68-89, 1999
The social construction of orangutans: An ecotourist experience
CL Russell
Society & Animals 3 (2), 151-170, 1995
Whalewatching as critical science education?
CL Russell, D Hodson
Canadian Journal of Math, Science & Technology Education 2 (4), 485-504, 2002
Guiding our environmental praxis: Teaching for social and environmental justice
L Fawcett, AC Bell, CL Russell
Teaching sustainability at universities: Towards curriculum greening, 223-228, 2002
Students’ experiences with/in integrated environmental studies programs in Ontario
M Breunig, J Murtell, C Russell
Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning 15 (4), 267-283, 2015
Hegemonic masculinity in outdoor education
J Kennedy, C Russell
Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning 21 (2), 162-171, 2021
Engaging the emotional dimensions of environmental education
C Russell, J Oakley
Canadian Journal of Environmental Education 21, 13-22, 2016
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Articles 1–20