On estimates for the weights in Gaussian quadrature in the ultraspherical case KJ Förster, K Petras Mathematics of computation 55 (191), 243-264, 1990 | 46 | 1990 |
On the Estimation of Linear Functionals H Braß, KJ Förster Analysis 7, 237-258, 1987 | 41 | 1987 |
A geometric model for active contours in image processing C Vicent, C Francine, C Tomeu, D Francoise Numerische mathematik 66 (1), 1-31, 1993 | 25 | 1993 |
Error estimates in Gaussian quadrature for functions of bounded variation KJ Förster, K Petras SIAM journal on numerical analysis 28 (3), 880-889, 1991 | 24 | 1991 |
Computer simulation of diesel engine performance G Jahns, KJ Forster, M Hellickson Transactions of the ASAE 33 (3), 764-0770, 1990 | 24 | 1990 |
A comparison theorem for linear functionals and its application in quadrature KJ Förster International Series of Numerical Mathematics 57, 66-76, 1982 | 23 | 1982 |
On the application of the Peano representation of linear functionals in numerical analysis H Brass, KJ Förster Recent progress in inequalities, 175-202, 1998 | 22 | 1998 |
Inequalities for the zeros of ultraspherical polynomials and Bessel functions KJ Förster, K Petras ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 1993 | 21 | 1993 |
A survey of stopping rules in quadrature based on Peano kernel methods KJ Förster Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II. 33, 311-330, 1993 | 19 | 1993 |
Zur Definitheit der Quadraturformeln vom Chenshaw-Curtis Typ G Akrivis, KJ Förster Computing 33, 363-366, 1984 | 18 | 1984 |
Variance in quadrature—a survey KJ Förster Numerical Integration IV: Proceedings of the Conference at the Mathematical …, 1993 | 17 | 1993 |
On a problem proposed by H. Brass concerning the remainder term in quadrature for convex functions KJ Förster, K Petras Numerische Mathematik 57, 763-777, 1990 | 16 | 1990 |
Inequalities for ultraspherical polynomials and application to quadrature KJ Förster Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 49 (1-3), 59-70, 1993 | 14 | 1993 |
On Chebyshev quadrature for ultraspherical weight functions KJ Förster Calcolo 23, 355-381, 1986 | 11 | 1986 |
Über Monotonie und Fehlerkontrolle bei den Gregoryschen Quadraturverfahren KJ Förster Zeitschrift Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 67, 257-266, 1987 | 10* | 1987 |
On weighted Chebyshev-type quadrature formulas KJ Förster, GP Ostermeyer mathematics of computation 46 (174), 591-599, 1986 | 10 | 1986 |
On weight functions admitting Chebyshev quadrature KJ Förster Mathematics of Computation 49 (179), 251-258, 1987 | 9 | 1987 |
Fclilerschranken bei der Romberg-Quailratur KJ FÖRSTER AKADEMIE-VERLAG BERLIN 62, 133-135, 1982 | 9 | 1982 |
Exit criteria and monotonicity in compound quadrature of Gaussian type KJ Förster Numerische Mathematik 66 (1), 321-327, 1993 | 8 | 1993 |
On Chebyshev quadrature for a special class of weight functions KJ Förster | 8 | 1986 |