Josh Bendickson
Cited by
Cited by
Agency theory: the times, they are a-changin’
J Bendickson, J Muldoon, E Liguori, PE Davis
Management Decision, 2016
Revisiting entrepreneurial intentions: a social cognitive career theory approach
EW Liguori, JS Bendickson, WC McDowell
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 14, 67-78, 2018
Agency theory: background and epistemology
J Bendickson, J Muldoon, EW Liguori, PE Davis
Journal of Management History 22 (4), 437-449, 2016
Development of a multi-dimensional measure for assessing entrepreneurial ecosystems
E Liguori, J Bendickson, S Solomon, WC McDowell
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 31 (1-2), 7-21, 2019
High performance work systems: A necessity for startups
JS Bendickson, J Muldoon, EW Liguori, C Midgett
Journal of Small Business Strategy (archive only) 27 (2), 1-12, 2017
The sharing economy and sustainability: A case for Airbnb
C Midgett, JS Bendickson, J Muldoon, SJ Solomon
Small Business Institute Journal 13 (2), 51-71, 2018
Operational performance: The mediator between human capital developmental programs and financial performance
JS Bendickson, TD Chandler
Journal of Business Research 94, 162-171, 2019
Agency theory and entrepreneurship: A cross-country analysis
SJ Solomon, JS Bendickson, MR Marvel, WC McDowell, R Mahto
Journal of Business Research 122, 466-476, 2021
Staffing of small nonprofit organizations: A model for retaining employees
LA Slatten, JS Bendickson, M Diamond, WC McDowell
Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 6 (1), 50-57, 2021
Strategic antecedents of innovation: Variance between small and large firms
PE Davis, JS Bendickson
Journal of Small Business Management 59 (1), 47-72, 2021
Emerging market multinationals’ firm-specific advantages, institutional distance, and foreign acquisition location choice
BE James, RJ Sawant, JS Bendickson
International Business Review 29 (5), 101702, 2020
Reducing environmental uncertainty: How high performance work systems moderate the resource dependence‐firm performance relationship
J Bendickson, FA Gur, EC Taylor
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2018
Agency theory utility and social entrepreneurship: issues of identity and role conflict
PE Davis, JS Bendickson, J Muldoon, WC McDowell
Review of Managerial Science 15, 2299-2318, 2021
Entrepreneurial ecosystem knowledge spillover in the face of institutional voids: groups, issues, and actions
JS Bendickson, JG Irwin, BJ Cowden, WC McDowell
Knowledge Management Research & Practice 19 (1), 117-126, 2021
Rising to the challenge: Entrepreneurship ecosystems and SDG success
E Liguori, JS Bendickson
Journal of the International Council for Small Business 1 (3-4), 118-125, 2020
Revisiting perspectives on George Homans: correcting misconceptions
J Muldoon, EW Liguori, J Bendickson, A Bauman
Journal of Management History 24 (1), 57-75, 2018
Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition in the face of disasters
FA Gur, JS Bendickson, L Madden, WC McDowell
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 2020
Entrepreneurship within the history of marketing
CJ Edwards, JS Bendickson, BL Baker, SJ Solomon
Journal of Business Research 108, 259-267, 2020
Technological Innovation and the expansion of Entrepreneurship Ecosystems
J Muldoon, EW Liguori, S Solomon, J Bendickson
Review of Managerial Science 17 (5), 1789-1808, 2023
Unicorns and agency theory: Agreeable moral hazard?
BJ Cowden, JS Bendickson, J Bungcayao, S Womack
Journal of Small Business Strategy (Archive only) 30 (2), 17-25, 2020
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Articles 1–20