Bar and line graph comprehension: An interaction of top‐down and bottom‐up processes P Shah, EG Freedman Topics in cognitive science 3 (3), 560-578, 2011 | 270 | 2011 |
Toward a model of knowledge-based graph comprehension EG Freedman, P Shah International conference on theory and application of diagrams, 18-30, 2002 | 190 | 2002 |
The comprehension of quantitative information in graphical displays P Shah, EG Freedman, I Vekiri The Cambridge handbook of visuospatial thinking, 426-476, 2005 | 186 | 2005 |
Short-term visual memory in schizophrenics. RA Knight, DS Elliott, EG Freedman Journal of Abnormal Psychology 94 (4), 427, 1985 | 98 | 1985 |
Visuospatial cognition in electronic learning P Shah, EG Freedman Journal of educational computing research 29 (3), 315-324, 2003 | 76 | 2003 |
A computational approach to control in complex cognition TA Polk, P Simen, RL Lewis, E Freedman Cognitive Brain Research 15 (1), 71-83, 2002 | 52 | 2002 |
The role of data and theory in covariation assessment: Implications for the theory-ladenness of observation EG Freedman, LD Smith The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 321-343, 1996 | 40 | 1996 |
Scientific induction: Individual versus group processes and multiple hypotheses E Freedman Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society …, 1992 | 35 | 1992 |
The role of diatonicism in the abstraction and representation of contour and interval information EG Freedman Music Perception 16 (3), 365-387, 1999 | 17 | 1999 |
Assertiveness training and exposure in vivo for agoraphobics GL Thorpe, EG Freedman, JD Lazar Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy 13 (2), 132-141, 1985 | 10 | 1985 |
Individual differences in domain knowledge, graph reading skills, and explanatory skills during graph comprehension EG Freedman, PS Shah 42nd annual meeting of the psychonomic society, Orlando, FL, 2001 | 9 | 2001 |
16. A preliminary agenda for the psychology of science RA Neimeyer, WR Shadish Jr, EG Freedman, B Gholson, AC Houts | 9 | 1989 |
Influences of prior content knowledge and graphical literacy skills on data interpretation P Shah, E Freedman, P Watkins annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA, 2004 | 8 | 2004 |
Understanding scientific controversies from a computational perspective-the case of latent learning EG Freedman | 8 | 1992 |
Cognition in the psychology of science B Gholson, EG Freedman, AC Houts | 7 | 1989 |
A computational account of latency impairments in problem solving by Parkinson's patients P Simen, T Polk, R Lewis, E Freedman Sixth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, 273-278, 2004 | 6 | 2004 |
Components of rational-emotive imagery: Two experiments with nonassertive students GL Thorpe, EG Freedman, DW McGalliard Journal of Rational Emotive Therapy 2 (2), 11-19, 1984 | 6 | 1984 |
Universal computation by networks of model cortical columns P Simen, T Polk, R Lewis, E Freedman Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2003 …, 2003 | 5 | 2003 |
Understanding scientific discourse: A strong programme for the cognitive psychology of science. Theory and Review in Psychology EG Freedman Online review: http://gemstate. net/susan/Eric. htm: accessed on 15 (8), 06, 1997 | 5 | 1997 |
The effects of possible error and multiple hypotheses on scientific induction EG Freedman BULLETIN OF THE PSYCHONOMIC SOCIETY 30 (6), 480-480, 1992 | 5 | 1992 |