Jody Hey
Jody Hey
Professor of Biology, Temple University
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Multilocus methods for estimating population sizes, migration rates and divergence time, with applications to the divergence of Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis
J Hey, R Nielsen
Genetics 167 (2), 747-760, 2004
Integration within the Felsenstein equation for improved Markov chain Monte Carlo methods in population genetics
J Hey, R Nielsen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (8), 2785-2790, 2007
The limits of selection during maize domestication
RL Wang, A Stec, J Hey, L Lukens, J Doebley
Nature 398 (6724), 236-239, 1999
Isolation with migration models for more than two populations
J Hey
Molecular biology and evolution 27 (4), 905-920, 2010
The mind of the species problem
J Hey
Trends in ecology & evolution 16 (7), 326-329, 2001
A coalescent estimator of the population recombination rate
J Hey, J Wakeley
Genetics 145 (3), 833-846, 1997
Divergence population genetics of chimpanzees
YJ Won, J Hey
Molecular biology and evolution 22 (2), 297-307, 2005
Estimating ancestral population parameters
J Wakeley, J Hey
Genetics 145 (3), 847-855, 1997
Divergence with gene flow: models and data
C Pinho, J Hey
Annual review of ecology, evolution, and systematics 41 (1), 215-230, 2010
On the number of New World founders: a population genetic portrait of the peopling of the Americas
J Hey
PLoS biology 3 (6), e193, 2005
On the failure of modern species concepts
J Hey
Trends in ecology & evolution 21 (8), 447-450, 2006
Understanding and confronting species uncertainty in biology and conservation
J Hey, RS Waples, ML Arnold, RK Butlin, RG Harrison
Trends in ecology & evolution 18 (11), 597-603, 2003
The Population Genetics of the Origin and Divergence of the Drosophila simulans Complex Species
RM Kliman, P Andolfatto, JA Coyne, F Depaulis, M Kreitman, AJ Berry, ...
Genetics 156 (4), 1913-1931, 2000
Inferring the history of speciation from multilocus DNA sequence data: the case of Drosophila pseudoobscura and close relatives
CA Machado, RM Kliman, JA Markert, J Hey
Molecular biology and evolution 19 (4), 472-488, 2002
Genes, categories, and species: the evolutionary and cognitive cause of the species problem
J Hey
Oxford University Press, 2001
The study of structured populations—new hope for a difficult and divided science
J Hey, CA Machado
Nature Reviews Genetics 4 (7), 535-543, 2003
Understanding the origin of species with genome-scale data: modelling gene flow
V Sousa, J Hey
Nature Reviews Genetics 14 (6), 404-414, 2013
Reduced natural selection associated with low recombination in Drosophila melanogaster.
RM Kliman, J Hey
Molecular biology and evolution 10 (6), 1239-1258, 1993
The divergence of chimpanzee species and subspecies as revealed in multipopulation isolation-with-migration analyses
J Hey
Molecular biology and evolution 27 (4), 921-933, 2010
Gene Flow and Natural Selection in the Origin of Drosophila pseudoobscura and Close Relatives
RL Wang, J Wakeley, J Hey
Genetics 147 (3), 1091-1106, 1997
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Articles 1–20