Hani abdallah
Hani abdallah
H. Abdallah,
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Wa-LiD: A new LiDAR simulator for waters
H Abdallah, N Baghdadi, JS Bailly, Y Pastol, F Fabre
IEEE Geoscience and remote sensing letters 9 (4), 744-748, 2012
Potential of space-borne LiDAR sensors for global bathymetry in coastal and inland waters
H Abdallah, JS Bailly, NN Baghdadi, N Saint-Geours, F Fabre
IEEE Journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote …, 2012
The relevance of GLAS/ICESat elevation data for the monitoring of river networks
N Baghdadi, N Lemarquand, H Abdallah, JS Bailly
Remote Sensing 3 (4), 708-720, 2011
Assessment of quadrilateral fitting of the water column contribution in lidar waveforms on bathymetry estimates
L Abady, JS Bailly, N Baghdadi, Y Pastol, H Abdallah
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 11 (4), 813-817, 2013
Improving the assessment of ICESat water altimetry accuracy accounting for autocorrelation
H Abdallah, JS Bailly, N Baghdadi, N Lemarquand
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 66 (6), 833-844, 2011
Spectrum sensing based on cumulative power spectral density
A Nasser, A Mansour, KC Yao, H Abdallah, H Charara
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2017, 1-19, 2017
Spectrum sensing for half and full-duplex cognitive radio
A Nasser, A Mansour, KC Yao, H Abdallah
Spectrum Access and Management for Cognitive Radio Networks, 15-50, 2017
Spectrum sensing enhancement using principal component analysis
A Nasser, A Mansour, KC Yao, H Abdallah, M Chaitou, H Charara
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information …, 2016
Cancelation of LNA distortions in in‐band full‐duplex systems
A Nasser, A Mansour, KC Yao, H Abdallah, H Charara
Transactions on emerging telecommunications technologies 29 (9), e3426, 2018
In-band full-duplex communication for cognitive radio
A Nasser, A Mansour, KC Yao, H Abdallah, H Charara
2017 23rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), 1-5, 2017
Blind source separation-based full-duplex cognitive radio
A Nasser, A Mansour, KC Yao, H Assaf, H Abdallah
Proc. EEETEM, 86-90, 2017
H.: Full-Duplex Cognitive Radio based on Spatial Diversity
A Nasser, A Mansour, KC Yao, HA Assaf, H Abdallah
International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications 8 …, 2018
On the Cramer-Rao Lower Bounds of Ranging Based on IR-UWB TOA Estimation in Wirelessbody Area Networks
J Hamie, A Hamieh, J Younis, M Ammar, A Ahmad-Kassem, A Skaiky, ...
2018 9th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and …, 2018
Spectrum Sensing and Throughput Analysis for Full-Duplex Cognitive Radio with Hardware Impairments
A Nasser, A Mansour, KC Yao, H Abdallah, AA Ghani
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Cognitive Communications 3 (11), 2017
Le développement de LiDAR satellitaire multifonctions. Analyse exploratoire du potentiel de capteurs LiDAR pour le suivi altimétrique et bathymétrique des surfaces en eau …
H Abdallah
Université Montpellier II-Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2012
Human behavior modeling In video surveillance of conference halls
N Charara, H Charara, O Abou Khaled, H Abdallah, E Mugellini
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology; International Journal …, 2017
(trad auto) The development of LiDAR multifunctional satellite satellite: exploratory analysis of the potential of LiDAR sensors for altimetric and bathymetric monitoring of …
H Abdallah
Sensitivity Analysis of simulated hydrographic LIDAR waveforms
H Abdallah, JS Bailly, N Baghdadi, N Saint-Geours
Sensitivity analysis of simulated hydrographic LIDAR waveforms according to sensor and water parameters variability
H Abdallah, JS Bailly, N Baghdadi, N Saint Geours
AGU 2010, 37, 2010
Sensitivity analysis of simulated bathymetric LiDAR waveforms according to sensor and river parameters variability
J Bailly, H Abdallah, N Baghdadi, N Saint-Geours
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2010, H41K-06, 2010
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Articles 1–20