Bowling alone: The collapse and revival of American community RD Putnam Simon Schuster, 2000 | 87597 | 2000 |
Making democracy work: Civic traditions in modern Italy RD Putnam Princeton university press, 1994 | 59587 | 1994 |
Foundations of social theory JS Coleman Harvard university press, 1994 | 49782 | 1994 |
Bowling alone: America’s declining social capital RD Putnam The city reader, 188-196, 2015 | 27435 | 2015 |
Diplomacy and domestic politics: the logic of two-level games RD Putnam International organization 42 (03), 427-460, 1988 | 14418* | 1988 |
The prosperous community RD Putnam The american prospect 4 (13), 35-42, 1993 | 12259 | 1993 |
E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty‐first Century The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize Lecture RD Putnam Scandinavian political studies 30 (2), 137-174, 2007 | 7554 | 2007 |
Tuning in, tuning out: The strange disappearance of social capital in America RD Putnam PS: Political science & politics 28 (4), 664-683, 1995 | 7522 | 1995 |
Action science C Argyris, R Putnam, DML Smith (No Title), 1985 | 5815 | 1985 |
Comunidade e democracia: a experiência da Itália moderna RD Putnam FGV Editora, 2000 | 3971 | 2000 |
The Social Context of Well-being JF Helliwell Philosophical transactionsroyal society of London series B biological sciences, 2004 | 3883 | 2004 |
American grace: How religion divides and unites us RD Putnam, DE Campbell Simon and Schuster, 2012 | 3662 | 2012 |
Social capital: Measurement and consequences R Putnam Canadian journal of policy research 2 (1), 41-51, 2001 | 3196 | 2001 |
Democracies in flux: The evolution of social capital in contemporary society RD Putnam Oxford University Press, 2002 | 3092 | 2002 |
Bureaucrats and Politicians in Western Democracies JD Aberbach Harvard University Press, 1981 | 2794 | 1981 |
The Comparative Study of Political Elites RD Putnam Prentice-Hall, 1976 | 2743 | 1976 |
Disaffected democracies: What’s troubling the trilateral countries? SJ Pharr Princeton University Press, 2000 | 2681 | 2000 |
Better together: Restoring the American community RD Putnam, L Feldstein, DJ Cohen Simon and Schuster, 2004 | 2520 | 2004 |
Bowling alone: America’s declining social capital RD Putnam Culture and politics: A reader, 223-234, 2000 | 2479 | 2000 |
Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis RD Putnam Simon and Schuster, 2016 | 2357 | 2016 |