Bruno zappone
Bruno zappone
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Nanotecnologia (CNR-Nanotec)
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Adsorption, lubrication, and wear of lubricin on model surfaces: polymer brush-like behavior of a glycoprotein
B Zappone, M Ruths, GW Greene, GD Jay, JN Israelachvili
Biophysical journal 92 (5), 1693-1708, 2007
Mussel adhesion is dictated by time-regulated secretion and molecular conformation of mussel adhesive proteins
L Petrone, A Kumar, CN Sutanto, NJ Patil, S Kannan, A Palaniappan, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8737, 2015
Linear self-assembly of nanoparticles within liquid crystal defect arrays
D Coursault, J Grand, B Zappone, H Ayeb, G Lévi, N Félidj, E Lacaze
Advanced Materials 24, 1461, 2012
Synergistic interactions between grafted hyaluronic acid and lubricin provide enhanced wear protection and lubrication
S Das, X Banquy, B Zappone, GW Greene, GD Jay, JN Israelachvili
Biomacromolecules 14 (5), 1669-1677, 2013
Molecular aspects of boundary lubrication by human lubricin: effect of disulfide bonds and enzymatic digestion
B Zappone, GW Greene, E Oroudjev, GD Jay, JN Israelachvili
Langmuir 24 (4), 1495-1508, 2008
Direct measurement of the surface energy of graphene
CD van Engers, NEA Cousens, V Babenko, J Britton, B Zappone, ...
Nano letters 17 (6), 3815-3821, 2017
Role of nanometer roughness on the adhesion and friction of a rough polymer surface and a molecularly smooth mica surface
B Zappone, KJ Rosenberg, J Israelachvili
Tribology Letters 26, 191-201, 2007
Preparation of shell cross-linked nano-objects from hybrid-peptide block copolymers
J Rodríguez-Hernández, J Babin, B Zappone, S Lecommandoux
Biomacromolecules 6 (4), 2213-2220, 2005
Polymer Adhesion: Seeking New Solutions for an Old Problem#
G Raos, B Zappone
Macromolecules 54 (23), 10617-10644, 2021
Surface-frustrated periodic textures of smectic- liquid crystals on crystalline surfaces
B Zappone, E Lacaze
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (6 …, 2008
Periodic lattices of frustrated focal conic defect domains in smectic liquid crystal films
B Zappone, C Meyer, L Bruno, E Lacaze
Soft Matter 8 (16), 4318-4326, 2012
Anisotropic dynamic changes in the pore network structure, fluid diffusion and fluid flow in articular cartilage under compression
GW Greene, B Zappone, O Söderman, D Topgaard, G Rata, H Zeng, ...
Biomaterials 31 (12), 3117-3128, 2010
Supramolecular β‐sheet suckerin–based underwater adhesives
K Deepankumar, C Lim, I Polte, B Zappone, C Labate, MP De Santo, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (16), 1907534, 2020
Effect of Ca2+ ions on the adhesion and mechanical properties of adsorbed layers of human osteopontin
B Zappone, PJ Thurner, J Adams, GE Fantner, PK Hansma
Biophysical journal 95 (6), 2939-2950, 2008
Changes in pore morphology and fluid transport in compressed articular cartilage and the implications for joint lubrication
GW Greene, B Zappone, B Zhao, O Söderman, D Topgaard, G Rata, ...
Biomaterials 29 (33), 4455-4462, 2008
Self-organized arrays of dislocations in thin smectic liquid crystal films
D Coursault, B Zappone, A Coati, A Boulaoued, L Pelliser, D Limagne, ...
Soft Matter 12 (3), 678-688, 2016
Self-ordered arrays of linear defects and virtual singularities in thin smectic-A films
B Zappone, E Lacaze, H Hayeb, M Goldmann, N Boudet, P Barois, M Alba
Soft Matter 7 (3), 1161-1167, 2011
Force amplification response of actin filaments under confined compression
GW Greene, TH Anderson, H Zeng, B Zappone, JN Israelachvili
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (2), 445-449, 2009
Forces in nematic liquid crystals constrained to the nanometer scale under hybrid anchoring conditions
B Zappone, P Richetti, R Barberi, R Bartolino, HT Nguyen
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (4 …, 2005
Tailoring anisotropic interactions between soft nanospheres using dense arrays of smectic liquid crystal edge dislocations
D Coursault, JF Blach, J Grand, A Coati, A Vlad, B Zappone, ...
ACS nano 9 (12), 11678-11689, 2015
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Articles 1–20