Iram Fatima
Iram Fatima
Senior Data Scientist, CMHC, Canada
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Cited by
Daily life activity tracking application for smart homes using android smartphone
M Fahim, I Fatima, S Lee, YK Lee
2012 14th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology …, 2012
A Unified Framework for Activity Recognition-Based Behavior Analysis and Action Prediction in Smart Homes
I Fatima, M Fahim, YK Lee, S Lee
Sensors 13 (2), 2682-2699, 2013
Prediction of postpartum depression using machine learning techniques from social media text
RM Iram Fatima, Burhan Ud Din Abbasi, Sharifullah Khan, Majed Al‐Saeed ...
Expert Systems, 2019
Analysis of user-generated content from online social communities to characterise and predict depression degree
I Fatima, H Mukhtar, HF Ahmad, K Rajpoot
Journal of Information Science 44 (5), 683-695, 2018
EFM: evolutionary fuzzy model for dynamic activities recognition using a smartphone accelerometer
M Fahim, I Fatima, S Lee, YT Park
Applied intelligence 39 (3), 475-488, 2013
Cloud-based Smart CDSS for chronic diseases
M Hussain, AM Khattak, WA Khan, I Fatima, MB Amin, Z Pervez, R Batool, ...
Health and Technology 3 (2), 153-175, 2013
Weed classification based on Haar wavelet transform via k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) for real-time automatic sprayer control system
I Ahmad, MH Siddiqi, I Fatima, S Lee, YK Lee
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information …, 2011
EEM: evolutionary ensembles model for activity recognition in Smart Homes
M Fahim, I Fatima, S Lee, YK Lee
Applied Intelligence 38 (1), 88-98, 2013
Analysis of meteorological variations on wheat yield and its estimation using remotely sensed data. A case study of selected districts of Punjab Province, Pakistan (2001-14)
R Mumtaz, S Baig, I Fatima
Italian Journal of Agronomy 12 (3), 2017
Socially interactive CDSS for u-life care
I Fatima, M Fahim, D Guan, YK Lee, S Lee
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information …, 2011
Delineation of groundwater prospective resources by exploiting geo-spatial decision-making techniques for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
R Mumtaz, S Baig, SSA Kazmi, F Ahmad, I Fatima, B Ghauri
Neural Computing and Applications 31 (9), 5379-5399, 2019
A genetic algorithm-based classifier ensemble optimization for activity recognition in smart homes
I Fatima, M Fahim, YK Lee, S Lee
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 7 (11), 2853-2873, 2013
Smart CDSS: Integration of social media and interaction engine (SMIE) in healthcare for chronic disease patients
I Fatima, S Halder, MA Saleem, R Batool, M Fahim, YK Lee, S Lee
Multimedia Tools and Applications 74 (14), 5109-5129, 2015
Correct Pronunciation Detection of the Arabic Alphabet Using Deep Learning
N Ziafat, HF Ahmad, I Fatima, M Zia, A Alhumam, K Rajpoot
Applied Sciences 11 (6), 2508, 2021
Analysis and effects of smart home dataset characteristics for daily life activity recognition
I Fatima, M Fahim, YK Lee, S Lee
The Journal of Supercomputing 66 (2), 760-780, 2013
Classifier ensemble optimization for human activity recognition in smart homes
I Fatima, M Fahim, YK Lee, S Lee
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information …, 2013
A sleep monitoring application for u-lifecare using accelerometer sensor of smartphone
M Fahim, LB Vui, I Fatima, S Lee, Y Yoon
Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Context-Awareness and Context …, 2013
Activity Recognition Based on SVM Kernel Fusion in Smart Home
M Fahim, I Fatima, S Lee, YK Lee
Computer Science and its Applications, 283-290, 2012
MODM: multi-objective diffusion model for dynamic social networks using evolutionary algorithm
I Fatima, M Fahim, YK Lee, S Lee
The Journal of Supercomputing 66 (2), 738-759, 2013
Autonomous schema markups based on intelligent computing for search engine optimization
BUD Abbasi, I Fatima, H Mukhtar, S Khan, A Alhumam, HF Ahmad
PeerJ Computer Science 8, e1163, 2022
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Articles 1–20