Hyunsang Choi
Hyunsang Choi
SK Telecom
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Cited by
Botnet detection by monitoring group activities in DNS traffic
H Choi, H Lee, H Lee, H Kim
7th IEEE international conference on computer and information technology …, 2007
Detecting malicious web links and identifying their attack types
H Choi, BB Zhu, H Lee
2nd USENIX Conference on Web Application Development (WebApps 11), 2011
BotGAD: detecting botnets by capturing group activities in network traffic
H Choi, H Lee, H Kim
Proceedings of the Fourth International ICST Conference on COMmunication …, 2009
Identifying botnets by capturing group activities in DNS traffic
H Choi, H Lee
Computer Networks 56 (1), 20-33, 2012
Fast detection and visualization of network attacks on parallel coordinates
H Choi, H Lee, H Kim
computers & security 28 (5), 276-288, 2009
PCAV: Internet attack visualization on parallel coordinates
H Choi, H Lee
Information and Communications Security: 7th International Conference, ICICS …, 2005
State of the art of network security perspectives in cloud computing
TH Oh, S Lim, Y B. Choi, KR Park, H Lee, H Choi
Security-Enriched Urban Computing and Smart Grid: First International …, 2010
Botnet visualization using DNS traffic
I Kim, H Choi, H Lee
Proc. of WISA, 2008
BotXrayer: Exposing botnets by visualizing DNS traffic
I Kim, H Choi, H Lee
KSII the first International Conference on Internet (ICONI), 2009
협업 기반의 중앙집중형 봇넷 탐지 및 관제 시스템 설계
권종훈, 임채태, 최현상, 지승구, 오주형, 정현철, 이희조
정보보호학회논문지 19 (3), 83-93, 2009
Cooperative Architecture for Centralized Botnet Detection and Management
JH Kwon, CT Im, HS Choi, SG Ji, JH Oh, HC Jeong, HJ Lee
Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology 19 (3 …, 2009
Botnet and Mass DDoS Attack
H Lee, H Choi
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Articles 1–12