sedigheh ghofrani
sedigheh ghofrani
Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch
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Cited by
A vehicle license plate detection method using region and edge based methods
MA Lalimi, S Ghofrani, D McLernon
Computers & Electrical Engineering 39 (3), 834-845, 2013
Schizophrenia recognition based on the phase space dynamic of EEG signals and graphical features
H Akbari, S Ghofrani, P Zakalvand, MT Sadiq
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 69, 102917, 2021
GA-SELM: Greedy algorithms for sparse extreme learning machine
OF Alcin, A Sengur, S Ghofrani, MC Ince
Measurement 55, 126-132, 2014
An adaptive speckle suppression filter based on Nakagami distribution
S Ghofrani, MR Jahed-Motlagh, A Ayatollahi
EUROCON'2001. International Conference on Trends in Communications …, 2001
Using empirical wavelet transform and high-order fuzzy cognitive maps for time series forecasting
HA Mohammadi, S Ghofrani, A Nikseresht
Applied Soft Computing 135, 109990, 2023
Robust component-based face detection using color feature
A Atharifard, S Ghofrani
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2, 6-8, 2011
High-resolution direction finding of non-stationary signals using matching pursuit
S Ghofrani, MG Amin, YD Zhang
Signal Processing 93 (12), 3466-3478, 2013
A robust blind watermarking method using quantization of distance between wavelet coefficients
MJ Sahraee, S Ghofrani
Signal, Image and Video Processing 7, 799-807, 2013
An efficient method for vehicle license plate detection in complex scenes
MA Lalimi, S Ghofrani
Circuits and Systems 2 (4), 320-325, 2011
Iris recognition based on using ridgelet and curvelet transform
M Najafi, S Ghofrani
International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern …, 2011
Farsi license plate detection based on element analysis and characters recognition
M Rasooli, S Ghofrani, E Fatemizadeh
International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern …, 2011
Fast and accurate classification F and NF EEG by using SODP and EWT
H Akbari, S Ghofrani, S Ghofrani
Int J Image Graph Signal Process 11 (11), 29-35, 2019
Comparing Gaussian and chirplet dictionaries for time-frequency analysis using matching pursuit decomposition
S Ghofrani, DC McLernon, A Ayatollahi
Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and …, 2003
Mℓ1,2-MUSIC algorithm for DOA estimation of coherent sources
M Amiri Parian, S Ghofrani
IET Signal Processing 11 (429-436), 2017
Using curvelet transform for watermarking based on amplitude modulation
MR Akbarzadeh Lari, S Ghofrani, D McLernon
Signal, Image and Video Processing 8, 687-697, 2014
Auto-Wigner–Ville distribution via non-adaptive and adaptive signal decomposition
S Ghofrani, DC McLernon
Signal Processing 89 (8), 1540-1549, 2009
Comparing nonlinear features extracted in EEMD for discriminating focal and non-focal EEG signals
S Ghofrani, H Akbari
Tenth international conference on signal processing systems 11071, 25-29, 2019
Matching pursuit for direction of arrival estimation in the presence of Gaussian noise and impulsive noise
S Ghofrani
IET Signal Processing 8 (5), 540-551, 2014
Component based face detection in color images
A Atharifard, S Ghofrani
World Applied Sciences Journal 13 (4), 847-857, 2011
Conditional spectral moments in matching pursuit based on the chirplet elementary function
S Ghofrani, DC McLernon, A Ayatollahi
Digital Signal Processing 18 (5), 694-708, 2008
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Articles 1–20