Hamed Adibi
Hamed Adibi
Assistant professor of Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology,
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Study on minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) in grinding of carbon fiber-reinforced SiC matrix composites (CMCs)
H Adibi, H Esmaeili, SM Rezaei
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 95, 3753-3767, 2018
Analytical modeling of grinding wheel loading phenomena
H Adibi, SM Rezaei, AAD Sarhan
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 68, 473-485, 2013
Cup wheel grinding-induced subsurface damage in optical glass BK7: an experimental, theoretical and numerical investigation
A Solhtalab, H Adibi, A Esmaeilzare, SM Rezaei
Precision Engineering 57, 162-175, 2019
Grinding wheel loading evaluation using digital image processing
H Adibi, SM Rezaei, AAD Sarhan
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 136 (1), 011012, 2014
An efficient strategy for grinding carbon fiber-reinforced silicon carbide composite using minimum quantity lubricant
H Esmaeili, H Adibi, SM Rezaei
Ceramics International 45 (8), 10852-10864, 2019
Investigation on using high-pressure fluid jet in grinding process for less wheel loaded areas
H Adibi, SM Rezaei, AAD Sarhan
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 70, 2233-2240, 2014
Study on surface integrity and material removal mechanism in eco-friendly grinding of Inconel 718 using numerical and experimental investigations
H Esmaeili, H Adibi, SM Rezaei
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 112, 1797-1818, 2021
Mathematical modeling and experimental evaluation of a prototype double-tube Magnetorheological damper
E Yarali, A Mohammadi, S Mafakheri, M Baghani, H Adibi
SN Applied Sciences 1, 1-10, 2019
Influence of grinding parameters on phase transformation, surface roughness, and grinding cost of bioceramic partially stabilized zirconia (PSZ) using diamond grinding wheel
J Khodaii, F Barazandeh, M Rezaei, H Adibi, AAD Sarhan
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 105, 4715-4729, 2019
Application of a compressed air jet for cleaning of wheel surface in grinding nickel-based super alloy Inconel 718
O Hatami, H Adibi, SM Rezaei
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology 37, 233-244, 2022
Experimental and numerical investigation of heat generation and surface integrity of ZrO2 bioceramics in grinding process under MQL condition
M Bayat, H Adibi, A Barzegar, SM Rezaei
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 131, 105226, 2022
Improvement of surface integrity in the grinding of bioceramic partially stabilized zirconia using analytical, numerical, and experimental methods
J Khodaii, H Adibi, F Barazandeh, A Solhtalab, M Rezaei, AAD Sarhan
Ceramics International 46 (9), 13784-13797, 2020
A comprehensive analysis and prediction of the effect of groove shape and volume fraction of multi-walled carbon nanotubes on the polymer 3D-printed parts in the friction stir …
MS Javadi, MV Ehteshamfar, H Adibi
Polymer Testing 117, 107844, 2023
Evaluation of the grinding process utilizing an auxiliary compressed air jet on cleaning the grinding wheel surface
O Hatami Farzaneh, H Adibi, SM Rezaei
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of …, 2023
Coupled thermo-mechanical analysis and optimization of the grinding process for Inconel 718 superalloy using single grit approach
H Esmaeili, H Adibi, R Rizvi, SM Rezaei
Tribology International 171, 107530, 2022
Experimental study on tensile strength of copper microparticles filled polymer composites printed by fused deposition modelling process
H Adibi, MR Hashemi
Rapid Prototyping Journal 28 (1), 21-31, 2022
Optimization of grinding parameters of tool steel by the soft computing technique
O Hatami, D Sayadi, M Razbin, H Adibi
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022 (1), 3042131, 2022
Investigation of the surface integrity, flexural strength on the grinding of alumina for biomedical applications
J Khodaii, H Adibi, F Barazandeh, M Rezaei, AAD Sarhan
Precision Engineering 67, 110-122, 2021
Development of an innovative grinding process for producing functional surfaces
SH Musavi, H Adibi, SM Rezaei
Tribology International 173, 107652, 2022
An experimental study on bubble dynamics and pool boiling heat transfer of grinding/laser-structured surface
SH Musavi, H Adibi, SM Rezaei
Heat and Mass Transfer 59 (4), 681-698, 2023
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Articles 1–20