Dr.Tanveer Ahmad
Dr.Tanveer Ahmad
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Effect of microbial phytase produced from a fungus Aspergillus niger on bioavailability of phosphorus and calcium in broiler chickens
T Ahmad, S Rasool, M Sarwar, A Haq, Z Hasan
Animal feed science and technology 83 (2), 103-114, 2000
Dietary electrolyte balance: implications in heat stressed broilers
T Ahmad, M Sarwar
World's Poultry Science Journal 62 (4), 638-653, 2006
Effect of potassium chloride supplementation in drinking water on broiler performance under heat stress conditions
T Ahmad, T Khalid, T Mushtaq, MA Mirza, A Nadeem, ME Babar, ...
Poultry science 87 (7), 1276-1280, 2008
Effect and interactions of dietary sodium and chloride on broiler starter performance (hatching to twenty-eight days of age) under subtropical summer conditions
T Mushtaq, M Sarwar, H Nawaz, A Mirza, T Ahmad
Poultry Science 84 (11), 1716-1722, 2005
Evaluation of different medicinal plants as growth promoters for broiler chicks
JZ Ansari, A Haq, M Yousaf, T Ahmad, S Khan
Sarhad J. Agri 24 (2), 323-329, 2008
Evaluation of semen quality of Holstein Friesian and Jersey bulls maintained under subtropical environment.
M Fiaz, RH Usmani, M Abdullah, T Ahmad
Influence of varying sources of dietary electrolytes on the performance of broilers reared in a high temperature environment
T Ahmad, M Sarwar
Animal feed science and technology 120 (3-4), 277-298, 2005
Effect of varying dietary energy and protein on broiler performance in hot climate
QU Zaman, T Mushtaq, H Nawaz, MA Mirza, S Mahmood, T Ahmad, ...
Animal Feed Science and Technology 146 (3-4), 302-312, 2008
Effects of egg weight on the egg quality, chick quality, and broiler performance at the later stages of production (week 60) in broiler breeders
J Iqbal, N Mukhtar, ZU Rehman, SH Khan, T Ahmad, MS Anjum, ...
Journal of Applied Poultry Research 26 (2), 183-191, 2017
Influence of sunflower meal based diets supplemented with exogenous enzyme and digestible lysine on performance, digestibility and carcass response of broiler chickens
T Mushtaq, M Sarwar, G Ahmad, MA Mirza, T Ahmad, U Noreen, ...
Animal Feed Science and Technology 149 (3-4), 275-286, 2009
Dietary sodium and chloride for twenty-nine-to forty-two-day-old broiler chickens at constant electrolyte balance under subtropical summer conditions
T Mushtaq, MA Mirza, M Athar, DM Hooge, T Ahmad, G Ahmad, ...
Journal of applied poultry research 16 (2), 161-170, 2007
Effect of different non-chloride sodium sources on the performance of heat-stressed broiler chickens
T Ahmad, T Mushtaq, Mahr-Un-Nisa, M Sarwar, DM Hooge, MA Mirza
British Poultry Science 47 (3), 249-256, 2006
Influence of varying dietary electrolyte balance on broiler performance under tropical summer conditions
T Ahmad, T Mushtaq, MA Khan, ME Babar, M Yousaf, ZU Hasan, ...
Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition 93 (5), 613-621, 2009
Effect of lowering dietary protein with constant energy to protein ratio on growth, body composition and nutrient utilization of broiler chicks
Z Kamran, M Sarwar, M Nisa, MA Nadeem, S Ahmad, T Mushtaq, ...
Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences 21 (11), 1629-1634, 2008
Effect of Supplementation of Withania somnifera (Linn.) Dunal Roots on Growth Performance, Serum Biochemistry, Blood Hematology, and Immunity of Broiler Chicks
J Ansari, SH Khan, AUL Haq, T Ahmad, MI Abbass
Journal of herbs, spices & medicinal plants 19 (2), 144-158, 2013
Effects of dietary chromium supplementation on muscle and bone mineral interaction in broiler chicken
AA Saeed, MA Sandhu, MS Khilji, MS Yousaf, HU Rehman, ZI Tanvir, ...
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 42, 25-29, 2017
Influence of pre‐press solvent‐extracted cottonseed meal supplemented with exogenous enzyme and digestible lysine on performance, digestibility, carcass and immunity responses …
T Mushtaq, M Sarwar, G Ahmad, MA Mirza, T Ahmad, M Athar, ...
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition 93 (2), 253-262, 2009
Effect of various levels of fat and antioxidant on the quality of broiler rations stored at high temperature for different periods
A Waheed, T Ahmad, A Yousaf, IJ Zaefr
Pakistan veterinary journal 24 (2), 70-75, 2004
Effect of yeast supplementation on production parameters, egg quality characteristics and crude protein digestibility in hens
R Hameed, M Tahir, SH Khan, AJ Iqbal
Advancements in Life Sciences 6 (4), 147-151, 2019
Comparative performance of different economic traits of four imported broiler strains under local conditions of Pakistan
J Iqbal, AA Mian, T Ahmad, S Hassan, SH Khan
Pakistan J. Agric. Res. Vol 25 (1), 2012
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Articles 1–20