Burak Karadag
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Cited by
Thrust performance, propellant ionization, and thruster erosion of an external discharge plasma thruster
B Karadag, S Cho, I Funaki
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (15), 2018
The AETHER project: development of air-breathing electric propulsion for VLEO missions
T Andreussi, E Ferrato, CA Paissoni, A Kitaeva, V Giannetti, A Piragino, ...
CEAS Space Journal 14 (4), 717-740, 2022
Experimental validation and performance measurements of an ECR thruster operating on multiple propellants
R Moloney, B Karadag, AL Fabris, D Staab, A Frey, A Garbayo, ...
Proceedings of the 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Vienna …, 2019
External discharge plasma thruster
B Karadag, S Cho, I Funaki, Y Hamada, K Komurasaki
Journal of Propulsion and Power 34 (4), 1094-1096, 2018
Plasma actuation effect on a NACA 4412 airfoil
B Karadag, C Kolbakir, AS Durna
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 93 (10), 1610-1615, 2021
Note: Precision balance for sub-miliNewton resolution direct thrust measurement
B Karadag, S Cho, I Funaki
Review of Scientific Instruments 89 (8), 2018
Preliminary investigation of an external discharge plasma thruster
B Karadag, S Cho, Y Oshio, Y Hamada, I Funaki, K Komurasaki
52nd AIAA/SAe/ASee Joint Propulsion Conference, 4951, 2016
Influence of applied magnetic field in an air-breathing microwave plasma cathode
M Tisaev, B Karadag, AL Fabris
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 56 (46), 465203, 2023
Itu-psat ii: High-precision nanosatellite adcs development project
E Koyuncu, E Baskaya, M Cihan, S Isiksal, M Fidanoglu, C Akay, A Cetin, ...
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space …, 2011
Development of an air-breathing neutraliser as part of the AETHER system
M Tisaev, B Karadag, E Ferrato, A Kitaeva, T Andreussi, AL Fabris
37th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Boston, Massachusetts …, 2022
Sensitivity analysis of a fully kinetic code for physical parameters
B Karadag, S Cho, I Funaki
Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences 60 (2 …, 2017
Effect of auxiliary gas injection on the operation of a Hall current plasma accelerator
B Karadag
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54 (43), 435204, 2021
AETHER Air Breathing Electric THrustER: towards very low earth orbit missions
T Andreussi, E Ferrato, CA Paissoni, A Kitaeva, V Giannetti, A Piragino, ...
Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC 2021, 2021
XJET: Design upgrade and preliminary characterization for an electrodeless ECR thruster
ER Azevedo, K Swar, D Staab, E Longhi, A Garbayo, B Karadag, ...
Proceedings of the 7th Space Propulsion Conference, SP2020-00158, on-line …, 2021
Experimental characterisation of the novel halo plasma thruster for small satellite applications
S Masillo, AL Fabris, B Karadag, T Potterton, A Knoll, P Bianco
Proceedings of 8th Space Propulsion Conference, 2021
Development of a modular hollow cathode for ground testing of plasma thrusters
M Ahmed, B Karadag, S Masillo, AL Fabris
Vacuum 219, 112653, 2024
Investigation of a novel ring-cusp magnetically confined plasma bridge neutralizer
L Ren, Y Wang, W Ding, A Sun, B Karadag, Z Deng, J Geng
Review of Scientific Instruments 93 (3), 2022
Design and testing of a μN-mN torsional thrust balance with wireless microwave power transmission
K Swar, D Staab, A Garbayo, L Shadbolt, S Masillo, AL Fabris, B Karadag, ...
Proceedings of the 36th International Electric Propulsion Conference, 2019
Numerical investigation of an external discharge Hall thruster design utilizing plasma-lens magnetic field
B Karadag, S Cho, I Funaki
Mirror 2, 10, 2015
Design and Development of ITU pSAT II: On Orbit Demonstration Of A High-Precision ADCS For Nanosatellites
E Koyuncu, M Cihan, K Ure, C Akay, E Baskaya, S Sarikaya, A Cetin, ...
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