Junji Tamura
Junji Tamura
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A variable speed wind turbine control strategy to meet wind farm grid code requirements
SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, T Murata, J Tamura
IEEE Transactions on power systems 25 (1), 331-340, 2009
Stability augmentation of a grid-connected wind farm
SM Muyeen, J Tamura, T Murata
Springer Science & Business Media, 2008
Comparative study on transient stability analysis of wind turbine generator system using different drive train models
SM Muyeen, MH Ali, R Takahashi, T Murata, J Tamura, Y Tomaki, ...
IET Renewable Power Generation 1 (2), 131-141, 2007
Wind farms fault ride through using DFIG with new protection scheme
KE Okedu, SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, J Tamura
IEEE transactions on sustainable energy 3 (2), 242-254, 2012
Operation and control of HVDC-connected offshore wind farm
SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, J Tamura
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 1 (1), 30-37, 2010
Integration of an energy capacitor system with a variable-speed wind generator
SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, T Murata, J Tamura
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 24 (3), 740-749, 2009
Transient stability augmentation of power system including wind farms by using ECS
SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, MH Ali, T Murata, J Tamura
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 23 (3), 1179-1187, 2008
Improvement of wind-generator stability by fuzzy-logic-controlled SMES
MH Ali, M Park, IK Yu, T Murata, J Tamura
IEEE transactions on industry applications 45 (3), 1045-1051, 2009
Low voltage ride through capability enhancement of wind turbine generator system during network disturbance
SM Muyeen, R Takahashi, T Murata, J Tamura, MH Ali, Y Matsumura, ...
IET Renewable power generation 3 (1), 65-74, 2009
Low voltage ride through capability enhancement of grid connected large scale photovoltaic system
GMS Islam, A Al-Durra, SM Muyeen, J Tamura
IECON 2011-37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2011
Transient stability enhancement by fuzzy logic-controlled SMES considering coordination with optimal reclosing of circuit breakers
MH Ali, T Murata, J Tamura
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 23 (2), 631-640, 2008
Variable speed wind turbine generator system with current controlled voltage source inverter
SM Muyeen, A Al-Durra, J Tamura
Energy conversion and management 52 (7), 2688-2694, 2011
Output power smoothing and hydrogen production by using variable speed wind generators
R Takahashi, H Kinoshita, T Murata, J Tamura, M Sugimasa, A Komura, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 57 (2), 485-493, 2009
Transient stability simulation of power system including wind generator by PSCAD/EMTDC
J Tamura, T Yamazaki, M Ueno, Y Matsumura, SI Kimoto
2001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Proceedings (Cat. No. 01EX502) 4, 5 pp. vol. 4, 2001
Wind generator output power smoothing and terminal voltage regulation by using STATCOM/ESS
SM Muyeen, MH Ali, R Takahashi, T Murata, J Tamura
2007 IEEE Lausanne Power Tech, 1232-1237, 2007
A fuzzy logic-controlled superconducting magnetic energy storage for transient stability augmentation
MH Ali, T Murata, J Tamura
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 15 (1), 144-150, 2006
Frequency control of isolated power system with wind farm by using flywheel energy storage system
R Takahashi, J Tamura
2008 18th International Conference on Electrical Machines, 1-6, 2008
Transient stability analysis of wind generator system with the consideration of multi-mass shaft model
SM Muyeen, MH Ali, R Takahashi, T Murata, J Tamura, Y Tomaki, ...
2005 International Conference on Power Electronics and Drives Systems 1, 511-516, 2005
Position self-sensing evaluation of a FI-IPMSM based on high-frequency signal injection methods
CY Yu, J Tamura, DD Reigosa, RD Lorenz
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 49 (2), 880-888, 2013
Reduction of frequency fluctuation for wind farm connected power systems by an adaptive artificial neural network controlled energy capacitor system
SM Muyeen, HM Hasanien, J Tamura
IET Renewable Power Generation 6 (4), 226-235, 2012
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Articles 1–20