Tillmann Rendel
Cited by
Cited by
Variability-aware parsing in the presence of lexical macros and conditional compilation
C Kästner, PG Giarrusso, T Rendel, S Erdweg, K Ostermann, T Berger
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM international conference on Object oriented …, 2011
SugarJ: Library-based syntactic language extensibility
S Erdweg, T Rendel, C Kästner, K Ostermann
Proceedings of the 2011 ACM international conference on Object oriented …, 2011
Language composition untangled
S Erdweg, PG Giarrusso, T Rendel
Proceedings of the Twelfth Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools, and …, 2012
Polymorphic embedding of DSLs
C Hofer, K Ostermann, T Rendel, A Moors
Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Generative programming …, 2008
Toward variability-aware testing
C Kästner, A Von Rhein, S Erdweg, J Pusch, S Apel, T Rendel, ...
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software …, 2012
A theory of changes for higher-order languages: Incrementalizing λ-calculi by static differentiation
Y Cai, PG Giarrusso, T Rendel, K Ostermann
Proceedings of the 35th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language …, 2014
Invertible syntax descriptions: unifying parsing and pretty printing
T Rendel, K Ostermann
ACM Sigplan Notices 45 (11), 1-12, 2010
Layout-sensitive generalized parsing
S Erdweg, T Rendel, C Kästner, K Ostermann
Software Language Engineering: 5th International Conference, SLE 2012 …, 2013
Growing a language environment with editor libraries
S Erdweg, LCL Kats, T Rendel, C Kästner, K Ostermann, E Visser
Proceedings of the 10th ACM international conference on Generative …, 2011
From object algebras to attribute grammars
T Rendel, JI Brachthäuser, K Ostermann
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 49 (10), 377-395, 2014
Revisiting information hiding: Reflections on classical and nonclassical modularity
K Ostermann, PG Giarrusso, C Kästner, T Rendel
ECOOP 2011–Object-Oriented Programming: 25th European Conference, Lancaster …, 2011
Layout-sensitive language extensibility with SugarHaskell
S Erdweg, F Rieger, T Rendel, K Ostermann
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 47 (12), 149-160, 2012
Typed self-representation
T Rendel, K Ostermann, C Hofer
Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language …, 2009
Reify your collection queries for modularity and speed!
PG Giarrusso, K Ostermann, M Eichberg, R Mitschke, T Rendel, C Kästner
Proceedings of the 12th annual international conference on Aspect-oriented …, 2013
Automatic refunctionalization to a language with copattern matching: with applications to the expression problem
T Rendel, J Trieflinger, K Ostermann
Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional …, 2015
Parsing with first-class derivatives
JI Brachthäuser, T Rendel, K Ostermann
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object …, 2016
Adding configuration to the choice calculus
M Erwig, K Ostermann, T Rendel, E Walkingshaw
Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of …, 2013
All About That Stack: A Unified Treatment of Regions and Control Effects
P Schuster, JI Brachthäuser, K Ostermann
External links
AM Sloane, LCL Kats, E Visser, M Völter, S Benz, C Dietrich, ...
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Articles 1–19