Petra Verdonk
Petra Verdonk
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Development of burnout over time and the causal order of the three dimensions of burnout among male and female GPs. A three-wave panel study
I Houkes, Y Winants, M Twellaar, P Verdonk
BMC Public health 11, 1-13, 2011
From gender bias to gender awareness in medical education
P Verdonk, YWM Benschop, HCJM De Haes, TLM Lagro-Janssen
Advances in health sciences education 14, 135-152, 2009
Central gender theoretical concepts in health research: the state of the art
A Hammarström, K Johansson, E Annandale, C Ahlgren, L Aléx, ...
J Epidemiol Community Health 68 (2), 185-190, 2014
Doing masculinity, not doing health? A qualitative study among Dutch male employees about health beliefs and workplace physical activity
P Verdonk, H Seesing, A De Rijk
BMC public health 10, 1-14, 2010
Toward diversity-responsive medical education: taking an intersectionality-based approach to a curriculum evaluation
ME Muntinga, VQE Krajenbrink, SM Peerdeman, G Croiset, P Verdonk
Advances in Health Sciences Education 21, 541-559, 2016
Integrating gender into a basic medical curriculum
P Verdonk, LJL Mans, ALM Lagro‐Janssen
Medical Education 39 (11), 1118-1125, 2005
Gender bias in medical textbooks: examples from coronary heart disease, depression, alcohol abuse and pharmacology
AF Dijkstra, P Verdonk, ALM Lagro‐Janssen
Medical Education 42 (10), 1021-1028, 2008
Few gender differences in specialty preferences and motivational factors: a cross-sectional Swedish study on last-year medical students
S Diderichsen, EE Johansson, P Verdonk, T Lagro-Janssen, K Hamberg
BMC medical education 13, 1-8, 2013
“A Somali girl is Muslim and does not have premarital sex. Is vaccination really necessary?” A qualitative study into the perceptions of Somali women in the Netherlands about …
J Salad, P Verdonk, F de Boer, TA Abma
International journal for equity in health 14, 1-13, 2015
Medical students’ gender awareness: construction of the Nijmegen gender awareness in medicine scale (N-GAMS)
P Verdonk, YWM Benschop, HCJM De Haes, TLM Lagro-Janssen
Sex roles 58, 222-234, 2008
Applying a gender lens on human papillomavirus infection: cervical cancer screening, HPV DNA testing, and HPV vaccination
I Branković, P Verdonk, I Klinge
International journal for equity in health 12, 1-10, 2013
Work-related fatigue: the specific case of highly educated women in the Netherlands
P Verdonk, WE Hooftman, MJPM Van Veldhoven, LRM Boelens, ...
International archives of occupational and environmental health 83, 309-321, 2010
Sickness absence as an interactive process: gendered experiences of young, highly educated women with mental health problems
P Verdonk, A de Rijk, I Klinge, A de Vries
Patient Education and Counseling 73 (2), 300-306, 2008
Comparing gender awareness in Dutch and Swedish first-year medical students-results from a questionaire
J Andersson, P Verdonk, EE Johansson, T Lagro-Janssen, K Hamberg
BMC medical education 12, 1-10, 2012
Show what you know and deal with stress yourself: a qualitative interview study of medical interns’ perceptions of stress and gender
P Verdonk, V Räntzsch, R de Vries, I Houkes
BMC medical education 14, 1-13, 2014
How is gender integrated in the curricula of Dutch medical schools? A quick‐scan on gender issues as an instrument for change
P Verdonk, LJL Mans, TLM Lagro‐Janssen
Gender and Education 18 (4), 399-412, 2006
Intersectionality and reflexivity in medical education research.
P Verdonk, T Abma
Medical education 47 (8), 2013
Menopause and work: A narrative literature review about menopause, work and health
P Verdonk, E Bendien, Y Appelman
Work 72 (2), 483-496, 2022
Are new medical students’ specialty preferences gendered? Related motivational factors at a Dutch medical school
M van Tongeren-Alers, M van Esch, P Verdonk, E Johansson, K Hamberg, ...
Teaching and learning in medicine 23 (3), 263-268, 2011
‘Should you turn this into a complete gender matter?’Gender mainstreaming in medical education
P Verdonk, Y Benschop, H de Haes, L Mans, T Lagro‐Janssen
Gender and education 21 (6), 703-719, 2009
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Articles 1–20