Muhammad Aftab
Muhammad Aftab
Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University
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Incorporating attitude towards Halal banking in an integrated service quality, satisfaction, trust and loyalty model in online Islamic banking context
MM Butt, M Aftab
International Journal of Bank Marketing 31 (1), 6-23, 2013
On the asymmetric effects of exchange rate volatility on trade flows: New evidence from US-Malaysia trade at the industry level
M Bahmani-Oskooee, M Aftab
Economic Modelling 63, 86-103, 2017
Exchange-rate volatility and Malaysian-Thai bilateral industry trade flows
M Aftab, KBS Syed, NA Katper
Journal of Economic Studies 44 (1), 99-114, 2017
Dynamic interdependence of cryptocurrency markets: An analysis across time and frequency
S Qureshi, M Aftab, E Bouri, T Saeed
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 125077, 2020
Asymmetric effects of exchange rate changes on the Malaysia-China commodity trade
M Bahmani-Oskooee, M Aftab
Economic Systems 42 (3), 470-486, 2018
Impact of exchange rate volatility on sectoral exports of Pakistan: an ARDL investigation
M Aftab, Z Abbas, F Nawaz Kayani
Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies 5 (3), 215-231, 2012
Asymmetry cointegration and the J-curve: New evidence from Malaysia-Singapore commodity trade
M Bahmani-Oskooee, M Aftab, H Harvey
The Journal of Economic Asymmetries 14 (b), 211-226, 2016
The impact of bank efficiency on share performance: Evidence from Pakistan
M Aftab, S Ahamad, W Ullah, RA Sheikh
Does gold act as a hedge or a safe haven against equity and currency in Asia?
M Aftab, SZA Shah, I Ismail
Global Business Review, 2019
Economic integration and the currency and equity markets nexus
M Aftab, R Ahmad, I Ismail, K Phylaktis
International Journal of Finance & Economics 26 (4), 5278-5301, 2021
Examining the Uncovered Equity Parity in the Emerging Financial Markets
M Aftab, R Ahmad, I Ismail
Research in International Business and Finance, 2018
Exchange Rate Interdependence in ASEAN Markets: A Wavelet Analysis
S Qureshi, M Aftab
Global Business Review, 2020
Exchange rate risk and the bilateral trade between Malaysia and Singapore
M Aftab, IU Rehman
Studies in Economics and Finance 34 (3), 2017
Asymmetric Effects of Exchange Rate Changes and the J-curve: New Evidence from 61 Malaysia–Thailand Industries
M Bahmani-Oskooee, M Aftab
Review of Development Economics, 2016
Defeating poverty through education: the role of ICT.
M Aftab, I Ismail
Transformation in Business & Economics 14 (3), 2015
Distress Risk and Stock Returns in An Emerging Market
US Malik, M Aftab, U Noreen
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 4 (17), 81-85, 2013
Economic Integration and Exchange Market Pressure in a Policy Uncertain World
M Aftab, K Phylaktis
Journal of International Money and Finance 128, 2022
Asymmetric effects of exchange rate changes on the Malaysia-EU trade: evidence from industry data
M Bahmani-Oskooee, M Aftab
Empirica 44 (2), 339-365, 2017
Does exchange-rate uncertainty matter in the Malaysia–EU bilateral trade? An industry level investigation
M Aftab, R Ahmad, I Ismail, M Ahmed
Empirica 43 (3), 461-485, 2016
Dynamics between currency and equity in Chinese markets
M Aftab, R Ahmad, I Ismail
Chinese Management Studies 9 (3), 333-354, 2015
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Articles 1–20