Sadullah Canakci
Cited by
Cited by
BlackParrot: An agile open-source RISC-V multicore for accelerator SoCs
D Petrisko, F Gilani, M Wyse, DC Jung, S Davidson, P Gao, C Zhao, ...
IEEE Micro 40 (4), 93-102, 2020
{PHMon}: A programmable hardware monitor and its security use cases
L Delshadtehrani, S Canakci, B Zhou, S Eldridge, A Joshi, M Egele
29th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 20), 807-824, 2020
Directfuzz: Automated test generation for rtl designs using directed graybox fuzzing
S Canakci, L Delshadtehrani, F Eris, MB Taylor, M Egele, A Joshi
2021 58th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 529-534, 2021
Targetfuzz: Using darts to guide directed greybox fuzzers
S Canakci, N Matyunin, K Graffi, A Joshi, M Egele
Proceedings of the 2022 ACM on Asia conference on computer and …, 2022
Nile: A programmable monitoring coprocessor
L Delshadtehrani, S Eldridge, S Canakci, M Egele, A Joshi
IEEE Computer Architecture Letters 17 (1), 92-95, 2017
Efficient context-sensitive CFI enforcement through a hardware monitor
S Canakci, L Delshadtehrani, B Zhou, A Joshi, M Egele
International Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and …, 2020
Processorfuzz: Processor fuzzing with control and status registers guidance
S Canakci, C Rajapaksha, L Delshadtehrani, A Nataraja, MB Taylor, ...
2023 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust …, 2023
Furkan Eris, Michael Bedford Taylor, Manuel Egele, and Ajay Joshi. 2021. DirectFuzz: Automated Test Generation for RTL Designs Using Directed Graybox Fuzzing. In 2021 58th ACM …
S Canakci, L Delshadtehrani
IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 529-534, 2021
Sealpk: Sealable protection keys for risc-v
L Delshadtehrani, S Canakci, M Egele, A Joshi
2021 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE …, 2021
FlexFilt: towards flexible instruction filtering for security
L Delshadtehrani, S Canakci, W Blair, M Egele, A Joshi
Proceedings of the 37th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference …, 2021
Computational analysis of network activity and spatial reach of sharp wave-ripples
S Canakci, MF Toy, AF Inci, X Liu, D Kuzum
PloS one 12 (9), e0184542, 2017
Processorfuzz: Guiding processor fuzzing using control and status registers
S Canakci, C Rajapaksha, AM Nataraja, L Delshadtehrani, M Taylor, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.01789, 2022
Efficient sealable protection keys for RISC-V
L Delshadtehrani, S Canakci, M Egele, A Joshi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.02715, 2020
Directing greybox fuzzing to discover bugs in hardware and software
S Canakci
Boston University, 2022
Custom Tailored Suite of Random Forests for Prefetcher Adaptation
F Eris, M Louis, S Canakci, J Abellan, A Joshi
The International Symposium on Computer Architecture, 2021
A Programmable Hardware Monitor for Security of RISC-V Processors
L Delshadtehrani, S Canakci, B Zhou, S Eldridge, A Joshi, M Egele
Boston Area Architecture Workshop (BARC), 2020
Fuzzing for Discovering Bugs and Side Channels in Processors
C Rajapaksha, S Canakci, L Delshadtehrani, A Nataraja, MB Taylor, ...
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Articles 1–17