Engr. Dr. Ghulam Shabbir
Cited by
Cited by
Network performance enhancement of multi-sink enabled low power lossy networks in SDN based Internet of Things
G Shabbir, A Akram, MM Iqbal, S Jabbar, M Alfawair, J Chaudhry
International Journal of Parallel Programming 48 (2), 367-398, 2020
Buffer-aided Successive Relay Selection Scheme for Energy Harvesting IoT Networks
G Shabbir, J Ahmad, W Raza, Y Amin, A Akram, J Loo, H Tenhunen
IEEE Access, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2901734 7 …, 2019
Data analysis and summarization to detect illegal VoIP traffic with call detail records
U Anwar, G Shabbir, MA Ali
International Journal of Computer Applications 89 (8), 2014
BEIOX: The BATMAN Enabled Internet of X
AA Shafaq Malik, Ghulam Shabbir
International Journal of Computer Applications 975: 8887 180 (9), 0975 – 8887, 2018
Cost-based hierarchical energy efficient routing scheme for WSNs
GS Murtaza, Zain, Mohsin Ali Khan, Husnain Ahmed, Usman Ayub Sheikh
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (ICRAI), 2016 2nd International …, 2016
Energy efficient approach for clustering algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks
GSUR Muhammad Muzammel
17th IEEE International Multi Topic Conference 2014, 2014
Ultra-Wideband Patch Antenna for Microwave Communication
SAAGS Umair Rafique
17th IEEE INMIC-2014 International Multi Topic Conference, Bahria University …, 2014
Hybrid Mid-Link Spectral Inverter to Compensate Linear and Non-linear Distortions for Efficient Transmission Performance in 224Gbit/s DP-16QAM System
GSAA Rameez Asif
SPIE Optical Engineering, Accepted for publication, 2013
Distributed In-line Mitigation of Optical Kerr Effects for 100GbE Transmission Systems
AAGS Rameez Asif
18th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2013), Kyoto Japan, 2013
Pooled methodology for combating primary user emulation attack in cognitive radio networks
GSMA Mufliha Kamran
International Conference on Digital Information Processing and …, 2013
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Articles 1–10