Martin Seay
Martin Seay
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Cited by
Financial knowledge and short-term and long-term financial behaviors of millennials in the United States
KT Kim, SG Anderson, MC Seay
Journal of Family and Economic Issues 40, 194-208, 2019
Bounded rationality and use of alternative financial services
CA Robb, P Babiarz, A Woodyard, MC Seay
Journal of Consumer Affairs 49 (2), 407-435, 2015
Positive psychological attributes and retirement satisfaction
SD Asebedo, MC Seay
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning 25 (2), 161, 2014
Personality and saving behavior among older adults
SD Asebedo, MJ Wilmarth, MC Seay, K Archuleta, GL Brase, ...
Journal of Consumer Affairs 53 (2), 488-519, 2019
Financial self-efficacy and the saving behavior of older pre-retirees
SD Asebedo, MC Seay
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning 29 (2), 357-368, 2018
The psychological predictors of older preretirees’ financial self-efficacy
SD Asebedo, MC Seay, K Archuleta, G Brase
Journal of Behavioral Finance 20 (2), 127-138, 2019
Big Five personality traits, dispositional affect, and financial satisfaction among older adults
MM Tharp, D., Seay, M. C., Carswell, A.T, & MacDonald
Personality and Individual Differences 166, 2020
Wealth and personality: Can personality traits make your client rich?
G Nabeshima, MC Seay
Journal of Financial Planning 28 (7), 50, 2015
Exploring the demand for retirement planning advice: The role of financial literacy
M Seay, KT Kim, S Heckman
Financial Services Review 25 (4), 331-350, 2016
Complex samples and regression‐based inference: Considerations for consumer researchers
RB Nielsen, MC Seay
Journal of Consumer Affairs 48 (3), 603-619, 2014
Mortgage holding and financial satisfaction in retirement
M Seay, S Asebedo, C Thompson, C Stueve, R Russi
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning 26 (2), 200, 2015
From functioning to flourishing: Applying positive psychology to financial planning
SD Asebedo, MC Seay
Journal of Financial Planning 28 (11), 50-58, 2015
Financial literacy and the use of interest-only mortgages
MC Seay, GL Preece, VC Le
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning 28 (2), 168-180, 2017
Financial attributes, financial behaviors, financial‐advisor‐use beliefs, and investing characteristics associated with having used a robo‐advisor
TM Todd, MC Seay
Financial Planning Review 3 (3), e1104, 2020
The psychology of wealth: Psychological factors associated with high income
BT Klontz, MC Seay, P Sullivan, A Canale
Journal of Financial Planning 27 (12), 46-53, 2014
The wealthy: A financial psychological profile.
BT Klontz, P Sullivan, MC Seay, A Canale
Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 67 (2), 127, 2015
Sources of information and portfolio allocation
SH Shin, KT Kim, M Seay
Journal of economic psychology 76, 102212, 2020
The effect of objective and subjective financial knowledge on high-cost borrowing behavior
MC Seay, CA Robb
Financial Planning Review 6 (4), 1-19, 2013
Financial satisfaction and homeownership
DT Tharp, M Seay, C Stueve, S Anderson
Journal of Family and Economic Issues 41, 255-280, 2020
Three good things or three good financial things? Applying a positive psychology intervention to the personal finance domain
SD Asebedo, MC Seay, TD Little, S Enete, B Gray
The Journal of Positive Psychology 16 (4), 481-491, 2021
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