Cyber physical systems: Design challenges EA Lee 2008 11th IEEE international symposium on object and component-oriented real …, 2008 | 5441 | 2008 |
Synchronous data flow EA Lee, DG Messerschmitt Proceedings of the IEEE 75 (9), 1235-1245, 1987 | 2718 | 1987 |
Scientific workflow management and the Kepler system B Ludäscher, I Altintas, C Berkley, D Higgins, E Jaeger, M Jones, EA Lee, ... Concurrency and computation: Practice and experience 18 (10), 1039-1065, 2006 | 2617 | 2006 |
Digital communication EA Lee, DG Messerschmitt Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 2443 | 2012 |
Introduction to embedded systems: A cyber-physical systems approach EA Lee, SA Seshia Mit Press, 2017 | 2145 | 2017 |
Static scheduling of synchronous data flow programs for digital signal processing EA Lee, DG Messerschmitt IEEE Transactions on computers 100 (1), 24-35, 2009 | 1801 | 2009 |
Taming heterogeneity-the Ptolemy approach J Eker, JW Janneck, EA Lee, J Liu, X Liu, J Ludvig, S Neuendorffer, ... Proceedings of the IEEE 91 (1), 127-144, 2003 | 1463 | 2003 |
Dataflow process networks EA Lee, TM Parks Proceedings of the IEEE 83 (5), 773-801, 1995 | 1409 | 1995 |
Ptolemy: A framework for simulating and prototyping heterogeneous systems JT Buck, S Ha, EA Lee, DG Messerschmitt Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1994 | 1370 | 1994 |
The problem with threads EA Lee Computer 39 (5), 33-42, 2006 | 1356 | 2006 |
A compile-time scheduling heuristic for interconnection-constrained heterogeneous processor architectures GC Sih, EA Lee IEEE transactions on Parallel and Distributed systems 4 (2), 175-187, 1993 | 1303 | 1993 |
Digital communication JR Barry, EA Lee, DG Messerschmitt Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 1275 | 2012 |
Simulation of multipath impulse response for indoor wireless optical channels JR Barry, JM Kahn, WJ Krause, EA Lee, DG Messerschmitt IEEE journal on selected areas in communications 11 (3), 367-379, 1993 | 1116 | 1993 |
Modeling cyber–physical systems P Derler, EA Lee, AS Vincentelli Proceedings of the IEEE 100 (1), 13-28, 2011 | 1069 | 2011 |
The past, present and future of cyber-physical systems: A focus on models EA Lee Sensors 15 (3), 4837-4869, 2015 | 932 | 2015 |
Cyber-physical systems-are computing foundations adequate EA Lee Position paper for NSF workshop on cyber-physical systems: research …, 2006 | 931 | 2006 |
A framework for comparing models of computation EA Lee, A Sangiovanni-Vincentelli IEEE Transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and …, 1998 | 930 | 1998 |
Design of embedded systems: Formal models, validation, and synthesis S Edwards, L Lavagno, EA Lee, A Sangiovanni-Vincentelli Proceedings of the IEEE 85 (3), 366-390, 1997 | 822 | 1997 |
Scheduling dynamic dataflow graphs with bounded memory using the token flow model JT Buck, EA Lee 1993 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech, and signal …, 1993 | 658 | 1993 |
Software synthesis from dataflow graphs SS Bhattacharyya, PK Murthy, EA Lee Springer Science & Business Media, 1996 | 572 | 1996 |