Jeffrey Bewley
Jeffrey Bewley
Holstein Association USA
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An interdisciplinary review of body condition scoring for dairy cattle
JM Bewley, MM Schutz
The professional animal scientist 24 (6), 507-529, 2008
Smart animal agriculture: application of real-time sensors to improve animal well-being and production
I Halachmi, M Guarino, J Bewley, M Pastell
Annual review of animal biosciences 7 (1), 403-425, 2019
A validation of technologies monitoring dairy cow feeding, ruminating, and lying behaviors
MR Borchers, YM Chang, IC Tsai, BA Wadsworth, JM Bewley
Journal of dairy science 99 (9), 7458-7466, 2016
Estimating US dairy clinical disease costs with a stochastic simulation model
D Liang, LM Arnold, CJ Stowe, RJ Harmon, JM Bewley
Journal of dairy science 100 (2), 1472-1486, 2017
Machine-learning-based calving prediction from activity, lying, and ruminating behaviors in dairy cattle
MR Borchers, YM Chang, KL Proudfoot, BA Wadsworth, AE Stone, ...
Journal of dairy science 100 (7), 5664-5674, 2017
Potential for estimation of body condition scores in dairy cattle from digital images
JM Bewley, AM Peacock, O Lewis, RE Boyce, DJ Roberts, MP Coffey, ...
Journal of dairy science 91 (9), 3439-3453, 2008
An assessment of producer precision dairy farming technology use, prepurchase considerations, and usefulness
MR Borchers, JM Bewley
Journal of dairy science 98 (6), 4198-4205, 2015
Compost bedded pack dairy barn management, performance, and producer satisfaction
RA Black, JL Taraba, GB Day, FA Damasceno, JM Bewley
Journal of dairy science 96 (12), 8060-8074, 2013
A 100-Year Review: Lactating dairy cattle housing management
JM Bewley, LM Robertson, EA Eckelkamp
Journal of dairy science 100 (12), 10418-10431, 2017
Impact of intake water temperatures on reticular temperatures of lactating dairy cows
JM Bewley, MW Grott, ME Einstein, MM Schutz
Journal of dairy science 91 (10), 3880-3887, 2008
Influence of milk yield, stage of lactation, and body condition on dairy cattle lying behaviour measured using an automated activity monitoring sensor
JM Bewley, RE Boyce, J Hockin, L Munksgaard, SD Eicher, ME Einstein, ...
Journal of dairy research 77 (1), 1-6, 2010
Precision dairy farming: Advanced analysis solutions for future profitability
J Bewley
The First North American Conference on Precision Dairy Management 16, 2010
Behavioral and physiological changes around estrus events identified using multiple automated monitoring technologies
KA Dolecheck, WJ Silvia, G Heersche Jr, YM Chang, DL Ray, AE Stone, ...
Journal of dairy science 98 (12), 8723-8731, 2015
Comparison of reticular and rectal core body temperatures in lactating dairy cows
JM Bewley, ME Einstein, MW Grott, MM Schutz
Journal of dairy science 91 (12), 4661-4672, 2008
Automatic assessment of dairy cattle body condition score using thermal imaging
I Halachmi, M Klopčič, P Polak, DJ Roberts, JM Bewley
Computers and electronics in agriculture 99, 35-40, 2013
Influence of breed, milk yield, and temperature-humidity index on dairy cow lying time, neck activity, reticulorumen temperature, and rumination behavior
AE Stone, BW Jones, CA Becker, JM Bewley
Journal of dairy science 100 (3), 2395-2403, 2017
An overview of experiences of Wisconsin dairy farmers who modernized their operations
J Bewley, RW Palmer, DB Jackson-Smith
Journal of Dairy Science 84 (3), 717-729, 2001
A comparison of free-stall barns used by modernized Wisconsin dairies
J Bewley, RW Palmer, DB Jackson-Smith
Journal of dairy science 84 (2), 528-541, 2001
Animal board invited review: Dairy cow lameness expenditures, losses and total cost
K Dolecheck, J Bewley
Animal 12 (7), 1462-1474, 2018
Automated estrous detection using multiple commercial precision dairy monitoring technologies in synchronized dairy cows
LM Mayo, WJ Silvia, DL Ray, BW Jones, AE Stone, IC Tsai, JD Clark, ...
Journal of dairy science 102 (3), 2645-2656, 2019
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Articles 1–20