Gabriel Huerta
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Cited by
A spatiotemporal model for Mexico City ozone levels
G Huerta, B Sansó, JR Stroud
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 53 (2 …, 2004
Error reduction and convergence in climate prediction
CS Jackson, MK Sen, G Huerta, Y Deng, KP Bowman
Journal of Climate 21 (24), 6698-6709, 2008
Time-varying models for extreme values
G Huerta, B Sansó
Environmental and Ecological Statistics 14, 285-299, 2007
Priors and component structures in autoregressive time series models
G Huerta, M West
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology …, 1999
A Bayesian framework for estimating disease risk due to exposure to uranium mine and mill waste on the Navajo Nation
L Hund, EJ Bedrick, C Miller, G Huerta, T Nez, S Ramone, C Shuey, ...
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society 178 …, 2015
Uncertainty quantification in climate modeling and projection
Y Qian, C Jackson, F Giorgi, B Booth, Q Duan, C Forest, D Higdon, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 97 (5), 821-824, 2016
Bayesian inference on latent structure in time series
O Aguilar, G Huerta, R Prado, M West
Bayesian statistics 6 (1), 1-16, 1998
Bayesian inference on periodicities and component spectral structure in time series
G Huerta, M West
Journal of Time Series Analysis 20 (4), 401-416, 1999
Computational methods for parameter estimation in climate models
G Huerta, CS Jackson, MK Sen, A Villagran
Bayesian time-varying autoregressions: Theory, methods and applications
R Prado, G Huerta, M West
Resenhas do Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São …, 2000
Time series modeling via hierarchical mixtures
G Huerta, W Jiang, MA Tanner
Statistica Sinica, 1097-1118, 2003
A Bayesian, multivariate calibration for Globigerinoides ruber Mg/Ca
D Khider, G Huerta, C Jackson, LD Stott, J Emile‐Geay
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (9), 2916-2932, 2015
Multivariate time series modeling and classification via hierarchical VAR mixtures
R Prado, F Molina, G Huerta
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 51 (3), 1445-1462, 2006
Time‐varying autoregressions with model order uncertainty
R Prado, G Huerta
Journal of Time Series Analysis 23 (5), 599-618, 2002
A study of trends for Mexico City ozone extremes: 2001-2014
S Rodríguez, G Huerta, H Reyes
Atmósfera 29 (2), 107-120, 2016
Time series analysis of particle tracking data for molecular motion on the cell membrane
W Ying, G Huerta, S Steinberg, M Zúñiga
Bulletin of mathematical biology 71, 1967-2024, 2009
Surrogate modeling for efficiently, accurately and conservatively estimating measures of risk
JD Jakeman, DP Kouri, JG Huerta
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 221, 108280, 2022
Distinguishing between model-and data-driven inferences for high reliability statistical predictions
L Hund, B Schroeder, K Rumsey, G Huerta
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 180, 201-210, 2018
Multivariate Bayes wavelet shrinkage and applications
G Huerta
Journal of Applied Statistics 32 (5), 529-542, 2005
Penetration Through Slots in Cylindrical Cavities Operating at Fundamental Cavity Modes
VQD Salvatore Campione, Larry Kevin Warne, William L Langston, Robert A ...
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2020
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