Marc Gonzalez Tallada
Marc Gonzalez Tallada
Computer Architecture Department, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
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Cited by
Decomposable and responsive power models for multicore processors using performance counters
R Bertran, M Gonzalez, X Martorell, N Navarro, E Ayguade
Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, 147-158, 2010
Nanos mercurium: a research compiler for openmp
J Balart, A Duran, M Gonzàlez, X Martorell, E Ayguadé, J Labarta
Proceedings of the European Workshop on OpenMP 8 (01), 2004, 2004
Thread fork/join techniques for multi-level parallelism exploitation in NUMA multiprocessors
X Martorell, E Ayguadé, N Navarro, J Corbalán, M González, J Labarta
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Supercomputing, 294-301, 1999
A proposal to extend the openmp tasking model for heterogeneous architectures
E Ayguade, RM Badia, D Cabrera, A Duran, M Gonzalez, F Igual, ...
Evolving OpenMP in an Age of Extreme Parallelism: 5th International Workshop …, 2009
Prefetching irregular references for software cache on cell
T Chen, T Zhang, Z Sura, MG Tallada
Proceedings of the 6th annual IEEE/ACM international symposium on Code …, 2008
Real-time scalable cortical computing at 46 giga-synaptic OPS/watt with ~100× speedup in time-to-solution and ~100,000× reduction in energy-to-solution
Cassidy, A S, R Alvarez-Icaza, F Akopyan, J Sawada, JV Arthur, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2014
A systematic methodology to generate decomposable and responsive power models for CMPs
R Bertran, M Gonzalez Tallada, X Martorell, N Navarro, E Ayguadé
Transactions on Computers 62 (7), 1289 - 1302, 2013
Extending OpenMP to survive the heterogeneous multi-core era
E Ayguadé, RM Badia, P Bellens, D Cabrera, A Duran, R Ferrer, ...
International Journal of Parallel Programming 38, 440-459, 2010
Systematic Energy Characterization of CMP/SMT Processor Systems via Automated Micro-Benchmarks
R Bertran, A Buyuktosunoglu, MS Gupta, M Gonzàlez, P Bose, BS Center
45th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, 2012
Hybrid access-specific software cache techniques for the cell be architecture
M Gonzalez, N Vujic, X Martorell, E Ayguadé, AE Eichenberger, T Chen, ...
Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Parallel architectures …, 2008
A novel asynchronous software cache implementation for the Cell-BE processor
J Balart, M Gonzalez, X Martorell, E Ayguade, Z Sura, T Chen, T Zhang, ...
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 125-140, 2007
Exploiting multiple levels of parallelism in openmp: A case study
E Ayguade, X Martorell, J Labarta, M Gonzalez, N Navarro
Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Parallel Processing, 172-180, 1999
Energy accounting for shared virtualized environments under DVFS using PMC-based power models
R Bertran, Y Becerra, D Carrera, V Beltran, M Gonzàlez, X Martorell, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 28 (2), 457-468, 2012
Automatic thread distribution for nested parallelism in OpenMP
A Duran, M Gonzalez, J Corbalán
Proceedings of the 19th annual international conference on Supercomputing …, 2005
NANOSCompiler: A research platform for OpenMP extensions
E Ayguade
Proc. 1st European Workshop on OpenMP, 1999
Optimizing the exploitation of multicore processors and GPUs with OpenMP and OpenCL
R Ferrer, J Planas, P Bellens, A Duran, M Gonzalez, X Martorell, ...
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing: 23rd International Workshop …, 2011
NanosCompiler: supporting flexible multilevel parallelism exploitation in OpenMP
M Gonzalez, E Ayguadé, X Martorell, J Labarta, N Navarro, J Oliver
Concurrency: Practice and Experience 12 (12), 1205-1218, 2000
Coherence protocol for transparent management of scratchpad memories in shared memory manycore architectures
L Alvarez, L Vilanova, M Moreto, M Casas, M Gonzàlez, X Martorell, ...
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual International Symposium on Computer …, 2015
Dynamically controlling a prefetching range of a software controlled cache
T Chen, MG Tallada, ZN Sura, T Zhang
US Patent 8,146,064, 2012
Employing nested OpenMP for the parallelization of multi-zone computational fluid dynamics applications
GJ Eduard Ayguade, Marc Gonzalez, Xavier Martorell
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 66 (5), 686-697, 2006
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Articles 1–20