Karljohan Lundin Palmerius
Karljohan Lundin Palmerius
C-Research, Department of Science and Technology, Linköping University
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Proxy-based haptic feedback from volumetric density data
K Lundin, A Ynnerman, B Gudmundsson
Proceedings of the Eurohaptic Conference, 104-109, 2002
General proxy-based haptics for volume visualization
K Lundin, B Gudmundsson, A Ynnerman
First Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for …, 2005
Simulation of patient specific cervical hip fracture surgery with a volume haptic interface
J Pettersson, KL Palmerius, H Knutsson, O Wahlstrom, B Tillander, ...
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 55 (4), 1255-1265, 2008
A user-centered designed FOSS implementation of bone surgery simulations
J Forsslund, EL Sallnas, KJ Palmerius
World Haptics 2009-Third Joint EuroHaptics conference and Symposium on …, 2009
Enabling design and interactive selection of haptic modes
K Lundin, M Cooper, A Persson, D Evestedt, A Ynnerman
Virtual Reality 11 (1), 1-13, 2007
Measuring understanding of nanoscience and nanotechnology: development and validation of the nano-knowledge instrument (NanoKI)
KJ Schönborn, GE Höst, KEL Palmerius
Chemistry Education Research and Practice 16 (2), 346-354, 2015
Haptic visualization of computational fluid dynamics data using reactive forces
KE Lundin, M Sillen, MD Cooper, A Ynnerman
Proc. SPIE 5669, 31-41, 2005
Haptic rendering of dynamic volumetric data
KL Palmerius, M Cooper, A Ynnerman
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 14 (2), 263-276, 2008
Students’ use of three different visual representations to interpret whether molecules are polar or nonpolar
GE Host, KJ Schönborn, KEL Palmerius
Journal of Chemical Education 89 (12), 1499-1505, 2012
A Case‐Based Study of Students′ Visuohaptic Experiences of Electric Fields around Molecules: Shaping the Development of Virtual Nanoscience Learning Environments
GE Höst, KJ Schönborn, KE Lundin Palmerius
Education Research International 2013 (1), 194363, 2013
Analysis of the JND of Stiffness in Three Modes of Comparison
U Koçak, KL Palmerius, C Forsell, A Ynnerman, M Cooper
Haptic and Audio Interaction Design: 6th International Workshop, HAID 2011 …, 2011
Popular performance metrics for evaluation of interaction in virtual and augmented reality
A Samini, KL Palmerius
2017 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW), 206-209, 2017
A study on improving close and distant device movement pose manipulation for hand-held augmented reality
A Samini, KL Palmerius
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2016
Nano education with interactive visualization
KJ Schönborn, GE Höst, KEL Palmerius
Nano Today 11 (5), 543-546, 2016
Development of an interactive immersion environment for engendering understanding about nanotechnology: Concept, construction, and implementation
KJ Schönborn, GE Höst, KEL Palmerius, J Flint
Web Design and Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications …, 2016
An Analysis of the Influence of a Pseudo-haptic Cue on the Haptic Perception of Weight
KL Palmerius, D Johansson, G Höst, K Schönborn
Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications: 9th …, 2014
Flow field visualization using vector field perpendicular surfaces
KL Palmerius, M Cooper, A Ynnerman
Proceedings of the 25th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, 27-34, 2009
The impact of feedback design in haptic volume visualization
KL Palmerius, C Forsell
World Haptics 2009-Third Joint EuroHaptics conference and Symposium on …, 2009
Human autonomy in future drone traffic: Joint human–AI control in temporal cognitive work
J Lundberg, M Arvola, KL Palmerius
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 4, 704082, 2021
Interactive visualization for learning and teaching nanoscience and nanotechnology
KJ Schönborn, GE Höst, KE Lundin Palmerius
Global perspectives of nanoscience and engineering education, 195-222, 2016
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Articles 1–20