Carlo A. Mora-Monge
Carlo A. Mora-Monge
Other namesCarlo Mora, Carlo Mora-Monge
College of Business, New Mexico State University
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Cited by
Electronic commerce development in small and medium sized enterprises: A stage model and its implications
S Subba Rao, G Metts, CA Mora Monge
Business Process Management Journal 9 (1), 11-32, 2003
Determining the importance of the supplier selection process in manufacturing: a case study
ME Gonzalez, G Quesada, CA Mora Monge
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 34 (6 …, 2004
Performance measurement of AMT: a cross‐regional study
CA Mora Monge, S Subba Rao, ME Gonzalez, AS Sohal
Benchmarking: An International Journal 13 (1/2), 135-146, 2006
QFD strategy house: an innovative tool for linking marketing and manufacturing strategies
ME Gonzalez, G Quesada, R Mueller, CA Mora‐Monge
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 22 (3), 335-348, 2004
Trust, power and supply chain integration in Web-enabled supply chains
C Mora-Monge, G Quesada, ME Gonzalez, JM Davis
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 24 (4), 524-539, 2019
Assessing the impact of web‐based electronic commerce use on the organizational benefits of a firm: An empirical study
CA Mora‐Monge, A Azadegan, ME Gonzalez
Benchmarking: An International Journal 17 (6), 773-790, 2010
Cross-cultural influences on e-value creation in supply chains
J M. Davis, C Mora-Monge, G Quesada, M Gonzalez
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 19 (2), 187-199, 2014
A study of AMT in North America: a comparison between developed and developing countries
CA Mora‐Monge, ME González, G Quesada, S Subba Rao
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 19 (7), 812-829, 2008
Application of quality management tools in the evaluation of websites: The case of sports organizations
ME Gonzalez, G Quesada, J Davis, C Mora-Monge
Quality Management Journal 22 (1), 30-46, 2015
An empirical study of the application of lean tools in US industry
ME Gonzalez, G Quesada, CA Mora-Monge, ME Barton
Quality Management Journal 26 (4), 174-190, 2019
An international study on manufacturing competitive priorities
ME Gonzalez, G Quesada, C Mora-Monge
Journal of Management Policy and Practice 13 (3), 116-128, 2012
Strategic considerations of advanced manufacturing technologies in two developing countries: a coalignment analysis
CA Mora-Monge, S Subba Rao, ME Gonzalez
International Journal of Services and Operations Management 3 (4), 444-459, 2007
Optimism amid risk: How non-IT employees’ beliefs affect cybersecurity behavior
JG Fatoki, Z Shen, CA Mora-Monge
Computers & Security 141, 103812, 2024
A contingency model of web-based EC use: A supply chain approach
CA Mora-Monge
University of Toledo, 2007
Climate adaptive smart systems for future agricultural and rangeland production
H Geli, L Prihodko, J Randall, SC Tran, H Cao, S Misra, L Boucheron, ...
A White Paper on Artificial Intelligence Applications in Agriculture. Web …, 2019
Diffusion of innovative technology in US oil and gas industry: an empirical study
RJ Salazar, R Rauniar, C Mora-Monge, S Shah
International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management 20 (1), 1-20, 2020
G., et Rao, S.(2001),“E-Commerce Facilitators and Barriers For Small and Medium Sized Enterprises”, Compte-rendu du Decision Sciences Institute, UCA
CA Mora-Monge, G Metts
An enterprise system and a business simulation provide many opportunities for interdisciplinary teaching
J Kreie, J Shannon, CA Mora-Monge
Information Systems Education Journal 9 (1), 99, 2011
Going from Data to Decisions: Preparing Students to Use Enterprise Systems.
J Kreie, CA Mora-Monge, J Shannon
Information Systems Education Journal 8 (49), n49, 2010
Exploring drivers of business performance in web-enabled supply chains: the role of web technology training and supply chain integration
CA Mora-Monge, J Fatoki, F Arslan, R Rauniar
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 36 (4), 1135-1157, 2023
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Articles 1–20