Transportation systems analysis: models and applications E Cascetta Springer Science & Business Media, 2009 | 1146 | 2009 |
Transportation systems engineering: theory and methods E Cascetta Springer Science & Business Media, 2013 | 1049 | 2013 |
A modified logit route choice model overcoming path overlapping problems. Specification and some calibration results for interurban networks E Cascetta, A Nuzzolo, F Russo, A Vitetta Transportation and Traffic Theory. Proceedings of The 13th International …, 1996 | 858 | 1996 |
Estimation of trip matrices from traffic counts and survey data: a generalized least squares estimator E Cascetta Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 18 (4-5), 289-299, 1984 | 777 | 1984 |
A unified framework for estimating or updating origin/destination matrices from traffic counts E Cascetta, S Nguyen Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 22 (6), 437-455, 1988 | 556 | 1988 |
Dynamic estimators of origin-destination matrices using traffic counts E Cascetta, D Inaudi, G Marquis Transportation science 27 (4), 363-373, 1993 | 530 | 1993 |
Dynamic processes and equilibrium in transportation networks: towards a unifying theory GE Cantarella, E Cascetta Transportation Science 29 (4), 305-329, 1995 | 501 | 1995 |
A day-to-day and within-day dynamic stochastic assignment model E Cascetta, GE Cantarella Transportation Research Part A: General 25 (5), 277-291, 1991 | 365 | 1991 |
A stochastic process approach to the analysis of temporal dynamics in transportation networks E Cascetta Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 23 (1), 1-17, 1989 | 342 | 1989 |
Random utility models with implicit availability/perception of choice alternatives for the simulation of travel demand E Cascetta, A Papola Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 9 (4), 249-263, 2001 | 269 | 2001 |
A new look at planning and designing transportation systems: A decision-making model based on cognitive rationality, stakeholder engagement and quantitative methods E Cascetta, A Carteń, F Pagliara, M Montanino Transport policy 38, 27-39, 2015 | 266 | 2015 |
Economic growth, transport accessibility and regional equity impacts of high-speed railways in Italy: Ten years ex post evaluation and future perspectives E Cascetta, A Carteń, I Henke, F Pagliara Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 139, 412-428, 2020 | 229 | 2020 |
Fixed point approaches to the estimation of O/D matrices using traffic counts on congested networks E Cascetta, MN Postorino Transportation science 35 (2), 134-147, 2001 | 218 | 2001 |
Analysis of mobility impacts of the high speed Rome–Naples rail link using withinday dynamic mode service choice models E Cascetta, A Papola, F Pagliara, V Marzano Journal of Transport Geography 19 (4), 635-643, 2011 | 185 | 2011 |
Teoria e metodi dell'ingegneria dei sistemi di trasporto E Cascetta Utet, 1998 | 169 | 1998 |
Random utility theory E Cascetta, E Cascetta Transportation systems analysis: models and applications, 89-167, 2009 | 159 | 2009 |
A model of route perception in urban road networks E Cascetta, F Russo, FA Viola, A Vitetta Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 36 (7), 577-592, 2002 | 157 | 2002 |
A quality-based approach to public transportation planning: theory and a case study E Cascetta, A Carteń International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 8 (1), 84-106, 2014 | 153 | 2014 |
A random utility model for park & carsharing services and the pure preference for electric vehicles A Carteń, E Cascetta, S de Luca Transport Policy 48, 49-59, 2016 | 133 | 2016 |
A behavioral model of accessibility based on the number of available opportunities E Cascetta, A Carteń, M Montanino Journal of Transport Geography 51, 45-58, 2016 | 122 | 2016 |