David Le Touzé
David Le Touzé
Ecole Centrale Nantes, LHEEA laboratory (ECN and CNRS)
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δ-SPH model for simulating violent impact flows
S Marrone, M Antuono, A Colagrossi, G Colicchio, D Le Touzé, G Graziani
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 200 (13-16), 1526-1542, 2011
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics method for fluid flows, towards industrial applications: Motivations, current state, and challenges
MS Shadloo, G Oger, D Le Touzé
Computers & Fluids 136, 11-34, 2016
An Hamiltonian interface SPH formulation for multi-fluid and free surface flows
N Grenier, M Antuono, A Colagrossi, D Le Touzé, B Alessandrini
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (22), 8380-8393, 2009
Fast free-surface detection and level-set function definition in SPH solvers
S Marrone, A Colagrossi, D Le Touzé, G Graziani
Journal of Computational Physics 229 (10), 3652-3663, 2010
Theoretical considerations on the free-surface role in the smoothed-particle-hydrodynamics model
A Colagrossi, M Antuono, D Le Touzé
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 79 (5 …, 2009
A modified high-order spectral method for wavemaker modeling in a numerical wave tank
G Ducrozet, F Bonnefoy, D Le Touzé, P Ferrant
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 34, 19-34, 2012
Grand challenges for smoothed particle hydrodynamics numerical schemes
R Vacondio, C Altomare, M De Leffe, X Hu, D Le Touzé, S Lind, ...
Computational Particle Mechanics 8, 575-588, 2021
HOS-ocean: Open-source solver for nonlinear waves in open ocean based on High-Order Spectral method
G Ducrozet, F Bonnefoy, D Le Touzé, P Ferrant
Computer Physics Communications 203, 245-254, 2016
SPH accuracy improvement through the combination of a quasi-Lagrangian shifting transport velocity and consistent ALE formalisms
G Oger, S Marrone, D Le Touzé, M De Leffe
Journal of Computational Physics 313, 76-98, 2016
An efficient FSI coupling strategy between smoothed particle hydrodynamics and finite element methods
G Fourey, C Hermange, D Le Touzé, G Oger
Computer Physics Communications 217, 66-81, 2017
3-D HOS simulations of extreme waves in open seas
G Ducrozet, F Bonnefoy, D Le Touzé, P Ferrant
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 7 (1), 109-122, 2007
Adaptive particle refinement and derefinement applied to the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method
DA Barcarolo, D Le Touzé, G Oger, F De Vuyst
Journal of Computational Physics 273, 640-657, 2014
An accurate FSI-SPH modeling of challenging fluid-structure interaction problems in two and three dimensions
PN Sun, D Le Touze, G Oger, AM Zhang
Ocean Engineering 221, 108552, 2021
Theoretical analysis and numerical verification of the consistency of viscous smoothed-particle-hydrodynamics formulations in simulating free-surface flows
A Colagrossi, M Antuono, A Souto-Iglesias, D Le Touzé
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (2 …, 2011
Analysis and improvements of Adaptive Particle Refinement (APR) through CPU time, accuracy and robustness considerations
L Chiron, G Oger, M De Leffe, D Le Touzé
Journal of Computational Physics 354, 552-575, 2018
Study of a complex fluid-structure dam-breaking benchmark problem using a multi-phase SPH method with APR
PN Sun, D Le Touzé, AM Zhang
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 104, 240-258, 2019
Viscous bubbly flows simulation with an interface SPH model
N Grenier, D Le Touzé, A Colagrossi, M Antuono, G Colicchio
Ocean Engineering 69, 88-102, 2013
On distributed memory MPI-based parallelization of SPH codes in massive HPC context
G Oger, D Le Touzé, D Guibert, M De Leffe, J Biddiscombe, J Soumagne, ...
Computer Physics Communications 200, 1-14, 2016
Prediction of energy losses in water impacts using incompressible and weakly compressible models
S Marrone, A Colagrossi, A Di Mascio, D Le Touzé
Journal of Fluids and Structures 54, 802-822, 2015
SPH high-performance computing simulations of rigid solids impacting the free-surface of water
P Maruzewski, DL Touzé, G Oger, F Avellan
Journal of Hydraulic Research 48 (sup1), 126-134, 2010
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Articles 1–20